Puratos Canada recently announced the Tegral Clara Ultra, the newest addition to its pâtisserie mixes that creates choux pastry such as éclairs, profiteroles and Paris Brest.
The grand opening took place on Thursday, May 4, 2017. Puratos moved its Southeast headquarters from its former location in Miami to a brand new facility in order to better serve the expanding Southeast region and its Caribbean customers.
Sapore Softgrain Sprouted Grain CL is the sixth and newest preservative-free addition to its Sapore Softgrain range at Puratos, which was launched in 2010.
Satin is a highly versatile line of cake mixes designed to deliver maximum variety at the optimal level of quality. The products can be enriched with different aromas, fruits and fillings.
The cocoa collection and fermentation plant, created in partnership with French chocolate maker Cémoi, will help accelerate the development of the sustainable cocoa supply chain.
Puratos, an international group with a full range of innovative products and application expertise in the bakery, patisserie and chocolate sectors, will be featured on the cable TV show starting Nov. 19.