Joaihú, direct-origin, tree-to-bar chocolate from the old-growth rainforest in Bahia, Brazil, is now available in stores throughout Central Texas and will become available online across the U.S.
Regulators in Brazil have approved a health claim for leading probiotic GanedenBC30, creating new opportunities to meet growing demand for products with digestive health benefits.
What many people don't know is that Brazil's unique offering of exotic flavors, combined with its competitive position as one of the few countries self-sufficient in producing milk and sugarcane, has placed the country among the major global players in the confectionery industry.
ABIMAPI, the Brazilian Manufacturers Association of Biscuits, Pasta, Industrialized Breads & Cakes, recently held its 15th International Congress in Florianópolis, Brazil. The event brought together Brazilian bakery executives to strengthen and grow their business, as well as international retail buyers and media seeking to learn more about Brazilian bakery products.