Registration is now open for the North American Millers' Association's 2024 Spring Conference. The event will be held in-person from March 9–12 in Marco Island, Florida.
Spring Conference is NAMA’s largest annual education conference. It is considered a “must-attend” event by both NAMA members and allied industry, with nearly 200 attendees and guests participating each year.
“NAMA’s Spring Conference brings together the entire milling value chain for educational sessions and networking that you can’t find anywhere else,” said NAMA President Jane DeMarchi. “If you work in or with the wheat, corn, or oat milling industry, we hope to see you in Florida!”
The program will include education sessions addressing a variety of topics of interest to millers and suppliers, including a first look at what the 2024 crop is going to look like during the annual Soft Wheat Crop Forecast.
Speakers will also discuss a variety of hot topics impacting the industry, including:
- Randy Strychar (Oatinformation): Global Oat Market Outlook
- William Wilson, PhD (North Dakota State University): Challenges and Opportunities in Agriculture Trade and Marketing
- Michael Johnson (BSM Partners): Pet Food Trends and Market Insights
- Alison Nepveux (Bayer): Aligning Your Suppliers and Customers for Sustainability Goals
- Erin Ball (Grain Foods Foundation): The Debate Around Ultra-Processed Foods
The event also provides attendees opportunities to network with industry colleagues during receptions and the annual golf tournament. NAMA will provide evening programming for children of attendees.
NAMA is excited to host members and guests at the Hilton Marco Island Beach Resort and Spa, located on the beautiful shores of the Gulf of Mexico. NAMA's group rate is available until February 12 or until the group block is sold out, whichever comes first.
Spring Conference registration requires an unique email address for each attendee or guest. Contact with any questions.