When could the confectionery industry finally reach 100 percent sustainable cocoa? What are the most effective ways to address child labor and farmer poverty? And how has COVID-19 impacted sustainability programs?
Candy Industry will host a free live panel discussion this week with industry experts, who will address all of these questions at more during the online event.
The event will be held:
- Tuesday, Dec. 15 at 2 p.m. EST
Anyone interested can register for free on the Candy Industry website. A recording of the event also will be available OnDemand after that for anyone who completes the free registration.
Candy Industry’s Editor Crystal Lindell will moderate the discussion between the panel’s speakers, who include:
Nicko Debenham
Vice President, Head of Sustainability
Barry Callebaut AG
Taco Terheijden
Director, Cocoa Sustainability
Cargill Cocoa and Chocolate
Kip Walk
Senior Director, Corporate Sustainability
Blommer Chocolate
All three speakers bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the conversation, as well as their own unique insights. They’ll share examples and results from some of their initiatives, as well as a look into what the coming decade will bring.
The live event also will allow audience members to submit questions for the panel.
Register for the free event online.