This week's Fun Friday includes a HI-CHEW airport popup, Portillo's Hot Dog High Tea, Planters' Mr. Peanut's movie debut, Heinz' wide-mouth jar for dipping potato chips, and Kinder Bueno's partnership with college basketball star Dylan Harper.
This week's Fun Friday features a HI-CHEW dessert truck, a MET-Rx and John Cena partnership, Newman's Own "Pay What You Want" pizza truck tour, and more.
This week's Fun Friday includes bread as art, Ocean Spray's new campaign, Hostess treats for those named Joy, a dive bar wedding from Miller's High Life and Planters, and more.
This week's Fun Friday includes Velveeta's new hair dye, a scholarship for HBCU students by Sour Patch Kids, Planters searching for its next "Peanutters" class, "Pizza for Procrastinators," and more.