Goodway Technologies recently released the VAC-EX-120-9-SS, a powerful, yet compact solution that is designed for collecting dry, combustible powders such as flour, sugar and additives.
Infrastructure maintenance is vital to snack and bakery facility safety. If any plant area is not maintained properly, recalls and other potentially expensive negative consequences are bound to occur. Regular maintenance is crucial, and many types of software and other tools can aid this process.
Snack food and bakery facilities need to efficiently deliver water for sanitation and cleaning tasks, using just the right amount, while reusing what they can. They also often need to manage, treat and/or recover wastewater, maintaining peak sanitary standards and food safety, including proper placement of drains, to help save time and money.
Properly cleaning and sanitizing large stationary systems can often be a challenge. Hinds-Bock has created an easy roll on and off industrial carrier frame that works great for streusel and batter depositors.
For plant managers and others in the food processing industry who have questions about sanitation when it comes to packaging machinery, Triangle's website now features a new Sanitation page.
Snack and bakery companies frequently need to design and outfit their facilities with ventilation systems to address issues like food and worker safety and avoid cross-contamination.
The air around your product should be maintained just like all equipment and product itself. The air intake system should be part of your sanitary design program, evaluating the design to ensure inspection and cleaning hatches are installed at various points for proper maintenance.
Camfil APC has designed its Farr Gold Series industrial dust collectors to remove hazardous and nuisance dusts from factories while occupying the smallest possible floor space.