Pennant Ingredients, a subsidiary of bakery ingredients supplier Puratos, specializing in bakery mixes and fillings, has opened a new 17,000 sq. ft. warehouse in Rochester, NY. The state-of-the-art facility connects directly to the existing plant at Chester Street and will provide increased capacity for storage of raw materials and finished goods at a moment of intense market disruption.  

“The increased on-site storage capacity will reduce our environmental impact by taking trucks off the road, increase the efficiency of our operations, and protect service at this moment of disruption, and long into the future,” commented Nick Greiner, operations director at Pennant Ingredients. “We made this investment to support the growth of our long-term customer partners and our environmental commitments. We are proud of Pennant’s zero-waste-to-landfill capability, and we’ve designed the warehouse to minimize environmental impact,” added Greiner.  

As a global bakery market innovator, Puratos is committed to continuing its investment in the United States. “I am delighted that we have been able to further enhance our operations in Rochester, and in a way that supports our local market objectives and global imperatives on customer partnerships, operational excellence and sustainability,” said Andrew Brimacombe, president, Puratos USA.  

The new warehouse will be officially opened on October 15, 2021 by incoming Puratos Group Chairperson Cedric Van Belle, as well as current Group CEO Daniel Malcorps.