Comax Flavors has released new primary research on consumers’ behavior, usage, and attitudes towards cakes, cookies, doughnuts, muffins, pies, cupcakes, and brownies. The study was fielded in February 2021 with 1,200 U.S. respondents aged 18-70+; half were female, and the other half were male. This is Comax’s twentieth study of the company’s primary market research program.

According to Technavio, the global bakery market will grow by $116.14 billion during 2020-2024. “Americans have an infinity for sweets. Traditionally, baked goods connote comfort and joy and frequently conjure warm childhood memories. The pandemic has accelerated consumers’ desire for sweet baked goods,” states Catherine Armstrong, vice president of corporate communications for Comax Flavors.

Comax has partnered with Amy Marks-McGee of Trendincite LLC to manage the market research program and Costello Creative Group to translate the data into creative, fun, and easy-to-read infographics. Additional Comax studies include alcohol, alternative dairy products, bread, coffee, coffee additives, condiments and dressings, confections, crackers, flavored water, ice cream, juice, nutrition and performance products, tea, and yogurt.

Below are just a few of the study highlights. To request a copy of the complete Sweet On Baked Goods infographic, contact


Sweet baked product findings:

  • “Taste” is the number one driver of sweet baked product purchases among all respondents with shy of three-quarters (72 percent) citing it as the most important attribute
  • 58 percent of respondents cite “Flavor” as an important attribute driving purchase intent
  • “Coffee” (53 percent) is the number one beverage consumed with sweet baked products, cited by more than half of respondents: Silent Gen (59 percent), Gen Y (57 percent), Gen Z (51 percent), Baby Boomers (51 percent), and Gen X (49 percent)
  • “Muffins” (72 percent) and “Doughnuts” (63 percent) are most heavily consumed in the morning
  • More than half of the respondents eat “Brownies” (58 percent), “Cake” (55 percent), and “Cupcakes” (54 percent) as a snack
  • Respondents enjoy “Cookies” in the evening (41 percent) and in the afternoon (35 percent)
  • 57 percent of respondents eat “Pie” as a dessert

Cake findings among respondents who consume “Cake” N=200:

  • The most well-liked type of cake is “Frosted/Iced” with shy of two-thirds 64 percent of respondents citing it
  • “Chocolate” (55 percent) is the most popular cake flavor among all generations: Gen X (60 percent), Gen Z (57 percent), Baby Boomers (55 percent), Silent Generation (50 percent), and Gen Y (47 percent)
  • “Vanilla” (40 percent) is the second preferred flavor among respondents
  • One-quarter of respondents (26 percent) equally consume “Strawberry” and “Cookies & Crème” cake flavors

Cookie findings among respondents who consume “Cookies” N=200:

  • Texture is a key factor in cookie consumption. One-third (65 percent) of respondents consume “Soft/Chewy” cookies, while more than a half (52 percent) eat “Hard/Crunchy” and shy of half (47 percent) eat “Filled/Stuffed/Sandwich” cookies
  • “Chocolate Chip” (67 percent) is the number one cookie flavor consumed by all generations: Gen Z (80 percent), Gen X (78 percent), Baby Boomers (65 percent), Gen Y (58 percent), and Silent Generation (48 percent)
  • “Chocolate” (45 percent) is a popular flavor among all respondents
  • 40 percent of respondents enjoy “Oatmeal,” which is particularly popular among the older generations; Baby Boomers (52 percent) and Silent Generation (52 percent)

Doughnut findings among respondents who consume “Doughnuts” N=200:

  • “Glazed” (71 percent) and “Frosted/Iced” (70 percent) doughnuts are the top two types liked by all respondents with shy of three-quarters citing each type
  • “Chocolate” (56 percent) is the most popular flavor among all generations: Gen X (63 percent), Gen Y (62 percent), Gen Z (58 percent), Baby Boomers (39 percent), and Silent Generation (39 percent) closely followed by “Glazed” (55 percent): Silent Generation (72 percent), Gen X (65 percent), Gen Z (55 percent), Baby Boomers (54 percent), and Gen Y (43 percent)
  • One-third or more of respondents consume “Vanilla” (33 percent), “Cream/Custard” (33 percent), and Sugar (35 percent) doughnuts

Muffin findings among respondents who consume “Muffins” N=200:

  • “Blueberry” (52 percent) is the number one muffin flavor consumed by all generations: Silent Generation (79 percent), Gen X (55 percent), Baby Boomers (54 percent), Gen Z (51 percent), and Gen Y (43 percent)
  • Shy of half (46 percent) of all respondents eat “Chocolate Chip” muffins
  • 43 percent of respondents enjoy “Chocolate” muffins
  • More than one-third of respondents consume “Banana” (38 percent) and “Coffee Crumb” (34 percent) flavors

Pie findings among respondents who consume “Pie” N=200:

  • More than half (54 percent) of all generations consume “Apple” pie; Gen Y (67 percent), Baby Boomers (59 percent), Gen X (52 percent), Silent Generation (46 percent), and Gen Z (33 percent)
  • One-third or more of respondents eat “Blueberry” (33 percent), “Chocolate” (35 percent), and “Cherry” (39 percent) pie flavors
  • The Silent Generation are the heaviest consumers of “Blueberry” (50 percent) and Cherry (58 percent) pie while Gen Y (53 percent) are the heaviest consumers of “Chocolate” pie
  • More than a quarter of respondents enjoy “Lemon” (29 percent), “Pumpkin” (28 percent), and “Pecan” (27 percent) pie

Cupcake findings among respondents who consume “Cupcakes” N=100:

  • “Frosted/Iced” (73 percent) is the number one type of cupcake liked by all respondents with shy of three-quarters citing it
  • “Chocolate” and “Vanilla” are the two most prominent cupcake flavors among all respondents: “Chocolate” (51 percent) is the most prevalent flavor among all generations; Baby Boomers (59 percent), Gen Y (55 percent), Gen X (54 percent), Gen Z (48 percent), and Silent Generation (30 percent)
  • “Vanilla” (50 percent) is closely behind Chocolate and is enjoyed by all generations; Gen Z (63 percent), Gen Y (60 percent), Gen X (54 percent), Baby Boomers (35 percent), and Silent Generation (10 percent)
  • 42 percent of respondents consume “Red Velvet” cupcakes

Brownie findings among respondents who consume “Brownies” N=100:

  • “Chocolate” and “Fudge” are the leading two brownie flavors well-liked among 60 percent or more of all respondents
  • Shy of two-thirds (63 percent) of respondents eat “Chocolate” brownies, making it the most popular flavor among all generations: Gen X (76 percent), Gen Y (61 percent), Gen Z (59 percent), Baby Boomers (57 percent), and Silent Generation (57 percent)
  • “Fudge” (60 percent) follows Chocolate and is well-liked by all generations: Baby Boomers (81 percent), Silent Generation (71 percent), Gen X (56 percent), Gen Z (52 percent), and Gen Y (50 percent)
  • Shy of one-third of respondents consume “Walnut” (32 percent) and “Brookie” (31 percent) brownies

Generations defined: Gen Z born 1996 and later; Gen Y born 1977 to 1995; Gen X born 1965 to 1976; Baby Boomers born 1946 to 1964; Silent Generation born 1925 to 1945.

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