Company: Wherefour, Inc.

Technology Snapshot: Wherefour traceability and enterprise resource planning (ERP) software has added new features designed for additional flexibility and ease-of-use with the ability to modify recipes during production and to pull inventory via bar code scanning. Wherefour also now integrates with Sage Intacct accounting software. These features are being introduced at the International Baking Industry Exhibition, Sept. 8-11, Booth 666.

The new features are designed to help bakeries, beverage and other food and natural product producers manage processes more efficiently and in ways that they prefer, said CEO Matt Brown. The new bar code option allows inventory items to be physically selected, scanned on the warehouse floor and entered directly into Wherefour. Users still have the ability pick inventory from a computer or mobile device. With the new on-the-fly recipe change feature, system operators can quickly modify production steps, Brown said.

The Wherefour integration with Sage Intacct accounting software allows customers using that system to easily transfer invoices and purchase orders for enhanced cost of goods sold calculations. Wherefour also integrates with QuickBooks Desktop Pro, Premier, Enterprise, Manufacturing and Online systems. 

“Many bakeries have variable daily production requirements, which can add more complexity for traceability and food safety considerations,” Brown said. “We wanted to enhance our software to help manage that effectively by better mimicking their real-world situations.”