Sunflower producers looking for some expert advice on the crop should plan to attend the National Sunflower Association’s annual Research Forum this week. The forum will be held January 10-11, 2018, at the Delta by Marriot in Fargo, ND. The forum is an annual event designed to learn about research, promote discussion, and stimulate creative thinking.

Researchers from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, North Dakota State University, South Dakota State University, University of Nebraska, Kansas State University, and Iowa State University will present their findings on sunflower studies they have conducted. Topics will cover everything from diseases, insects, irrigation, blackbirds, and more.

Dr. Michael A. Grusak will be the noon speaker at this year’s forum. Dr. Grusak is the director of USDA-ARS Red River Valley Agricultural Research Center in Fargo, ND. He will talk about sunflower research being conducted at the center.

Registration information and the agenda for the meeting can be found on the NSA website: