Company: Hinds-Bock


Equipment Snapshot: The Hinds Bock 2P-64A is a compact fully automatic cake, muffin and cupcake batter depositing machine.

The 2P-64A design features the ability to quickly, without tools, cleanly change from one tray to another with product in the hopper. It’s compact design is space efficient and it features Allen Bradley PLC controls with color touch screen operator interface.

Available in a variety of sizes to match your pans, this high speed batter depositor is ideal for bakeries in need of efficient automatic operation. Please consult Hinds Bock for information  Headquartered near Seattle, WA, Hinds-Bock provides fillers, depositors, transfer pumps and icers for food and bakery applications, as well as further automation such as conveyors, denesters, heat-sealers, lidders, etc.