Minneapolis-based Green Giant, a General Mills brand known for its canned and frozen vegetables, is venturing into the snack aisle with the introduction of two snacks: Green Giant Roasted Veggie Tortilla Chips in a Zesty Cheddar flavor and Green Giant Multigrain Sweet Potato Chips in a Sea Salt flavor.
The Roasted Veggie Tortilla Chips are made with real vegetables, have 17 g. of whole grain per serving and are naturally flavored. The Multigrain Sweet Potato Chips contain 40% less fat than regular potato chips and are made with 14 g. of whole grain per serving and real sweet potatoes.
“The Green Giant brand has been a fixture in the grocery store for nearly 100 years, but this is the first time consumers will find us in the snacks aisle,” says Michelle Barbeau, marketing manager, Green Giant Snacks. “We’re excited to bring Green Giant flavors and goodness to snacking. These new Green Giant chips are a great change-of-pace for serving guests, either on their own or with a creamy dip.”
The new snacks are available in snack aisles nationally for a suggested retail price of $2.99 each.
Source: General Mills, PR Newswire