Business Briefs
George Weston Ltd. announces that Interbake Foods LLC, a division of Weston Foods, will close its Elizabeth, N.J., and Richmond, Va., bakeries over the next 12 to 18 months. Production from both facilities will be moved to a new plant in Front Royal, Va., and Interbake’s facility in South Dakota. Some 800 Elizabeth employees and 300 Richmond employees are affected.
More than 80% of consumers believe they can eat anything as long as they do it in moderation, according to a study by the International Dairy-Deli-Bakery Association (IDDBA). The study, titled “Consumers in the Bakery: Who’s in Store,” tracks bakery consumer buying behavior and purchase drivers in in-store bakery/delis. Nearly 60% of consumers say they or someone in their family has made a serious effort to cut back on foods with trans fat, the study noted. For more on the report, call 608-238-7908. The IDDBA’s annual expo, scheduled for June 5-7 in Minneapolis, will feature such high-profile speakers as former Gen. Colin Powell, former President George H.W. Bush and NASCAR star Kyle Petty. Visit for more information.
Channahon, Ill.-based Lipid Nutrition launched its new Web site,, which introduces its new image and logo. The Web site offers comprehensive information on its lipid-based products and provides a structured source for clients who have an interest in lipid ingredients. Lipid Nutrition, a division of Loders Croklaan, is a global leader in the supply of scientifically sound lipid ingredients from natural origins.
Archer Daniels Midland Co. (ADM) announced that its cocoa processing facility, ADM-Joanes, in Ilheus, Bahia, Brazil, is undergoing substantial enhancements, including plant process upgrades and product line expansion. The ADM-Joanes plant is an ISO 9002-accredited facility and produces cocoa powder, liquor, butter and cake product lines for both Brazilian and international markets.
Mich.-based Kar’s Nuts announces its move to a new-and-improved Madison Heights, Mich. location, The 131,000-sq.-ft. facility is more than two times larger than its previous location, and investments, including building renovation and new equipment purchases, are in the works. The facility will allow Kar’s the opportunity to provide scheduled plant tours for the public. The new building is located at 1200 E. 14 Mile in Madison Heights, Mich.
Shaffer Manufacturing Corp. announced that George Dunbar has acquired majority holdings of the company and its assets. Shaffer will continue to operate from its current Sidney, Ohio, location. No personnel or workforce changes will occur as a result of this development. Dunbar and Don Shaffer formed Shaffer Manufacturing Corp. in 1986. They later acquired Shaffer Metal Fab Inc. in 1992. Due to estate planning considerations, Dunbar has attained majority holdings of Shaffer Manufacturing Corp., while the Shaffer family retains majority holdings of Shaffer Metal Fab Inc. Shaffer will continue to play an integral role in Shaffer Manufacturing’s business. For over 19 years, Shaffer has produced a wide range of mixing systems.
In a sign that Atkins is losing its appeal internationally, Atkins Nutritional UK, the British arm of the low-carb diet, is having trouble paying its bills because of lower-than-expected sales in that country. According to published reports, the High Court is appointing an administrator to figure out a way to pay off its debts. Atkins said hiring an administrator, which is in some ways similar to financial reorganization in the United States, does not signal an end to the company, although that hasn’t prevented the British press from speculating about such a proposition.