
The company's CEO chats with us about low-sugar, B4Y options in confectionery.


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Ali Wing, CEO, Oobli, talks to us about Oobli's low-sugar, better-for-you chocolate selections, as well as trends in the better-for-you confectionery space this year.

In March, the brand received it's "No questions asked" letter from the FDA, which states that Oubli Fruit Sweet Protein (known by its scientific name as "brazzein" is Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) for use as a sweetener in food and beverages. Oubli Fruit Sweet Protein can be safely used to replace 70% or more of sugar in most food and beverages such as sodas, teas, baked goods, and confectionery items.

Listen to the podcast above, or click here.

Related: Oobli receives FDA 'No questions' letter for novel sweet protein