Ever wonder if your favorite jelly bean flavor aligns with the rest of your state? Wonder no more — Candystore.com has the answer.
Using 11 years of sales data and survey responses, the online bulk candy retailer has developed an interactive map highlighting each state’s Top 3 jelly bean flavors.
For California, home of Jelly Belly Candy Co. and Gimbal’s Fine Candies, the most-loved jelly bean flavor is Buttered Popcorn, followed by Cinnamon and Black Licorice.
The residents of Illinois, where Candy Industry Magazine and the Brach’s brand is based, love Chocolate, Black Licorice and Grape, in that order. Meanwhile, New York residents love Sour, Buttered Popcorn and Toasted Marshmallow jelly beans. 
Cinnamon is popular flavor, earning the top spot in Arizona, Delaware, Kansas, Kentucky Nevada, North Carolina, North Dakota, South Dakota, Virginia and Wyoming. Cherry is not far behind, being the favorite in Iowa, Nebraska, New Mexico, South Carolina and Utah.
Montana is the only state to love Cotton Candy jelly beans the most, while Massachusetts is the lone proponent of Coconut.
To learn more about favorite jelly beans in your state, check out the map here.