Alabama-native Brian E. Adkins still remembers the day he received inspiration to start Scripture Candy — sweets wrapped in Bible verses, meant to inspire and guide the purchaser.

During a business trip in 1991, Adkins was listening to a radio story discussing negative incidents that happen on Halloween. It was at that moment that he felt led by God to wrap candy in scripture. Six years later, Scripture Candy Inc. was born.

It wasn’t an easy process. As with all blooming companies, Adkins had to start small. After having little to no luck launching his concept, Adkins finally found Bob’s Candies, Inc. in 1996. He spent the next five years building a base in the Christian market and formulating his products.

Scripture Candyis meant to inspire and encourage people and comes in many varieties, including prayer jelly beans, scripture candy corn and cross lollipops.

The company now sells candy in all 50 states and 19 foreign countries. Scripture Candy can be found in Hobby Lobby, Dollar General, Winn-Dixie Stores Inc. and more recently, Walgreens.


Name one of your favorite movies.

I like all of the Sherwood Pictures movies —they make great family-friendly movies that communicate the gospel without compromise. My favorite is Facing the Giants because of the sport theme used in the movie.


Describe your perfect dream vacation.

My dream vacation would be taking my staff and their families on a month-long journey through the Holy Lands.


What book are you currently reading?

The Bible. I have been studying Jesus’ last days on earth in order to create an Easter product for the market that will incorporate reasons we celebrate Easter today.


What is your pet peeve?

My first is having to tell a person twice to do something. Having spent 30 years in the military, I’ve become very accustomed to people listening to me the first time.

My second is having a person tell me the same story twice.


I’d give anything to meet:

Jesus. I have a painting of a businessman in his office and Jesus is consulting him. I can’t even imagine what that would be like, to have Jesus in my office giving me word-by-word instructions for my life. Talk about having a business consultant.


The best piece of advice I’ve received:

When I first told my 10-year-old daughter Breanna about Scripture Candy, her simple advice to me was, “Let’s do it, daddy.” That was in April 1996, and we had our first piece of Scripture Candy in October 1997.

The second best piece of advice I received is when Steve Darr, the owner of Christian Tools of Affirmation, gave me a quarter to call my boss and tell him I quit my day job so I could run Scripture Candy. We passed out our first candies on the last day of my day job.


What excites you most about your job?

I love to hear a person say Scripture Candy is just what they needed after they have read the scripture on the wrapper. But the most exciting part of this job will come later in heaven, when we see all the people we’ve encouraged in some way through the scripture on our products.


Aside from a family member, whom would you most want to be stranded with on a deserted island?

My first answer would be Michael McCarron, my business partner. We would have a great time being creative to see what we could build for ourselves. I’m sure it would be better than the Swiss Family Robertson.

 My second answer would be Saint John the Revelator from the Bible. He was banished to the island of Patmos where he received inspiration from God to write the book of Revelation. How exciting would it be to be part of that!