Clear Seas Research (a BNP Media Company) is uniquely positioned to engage with industry professionals in niche market sectors, which are all impacted in different ways by the coronavirus pandemic.
Snack Food & Wholesale Bakery was recently able to talk to Paul Jenks, director of sales and marketing, Syntegon, New Richmond, WI, about their response to COVID-19.
Nineteen professionals in five states receive a year of donuts as winners of LaMar's Essential Service Awards
June 5, 2020
On the eve of National Donut Day 2020, LaMar’s Donuts announced 19 winners of its first Essential Service Awards—healthcare, childcare, education and public safety professionals who have made extraordinary contributions to their communities during the current pandemic.
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues causing major disruptions throughout the packaging industry on levels never seen before, Dorner is meeting these challenges head on by leveraging its expertise and expediting its conveyor systems to critical applications.
Our State of the Industry: Bakery issue will be arriving shortly, both in print and online, and it's been interesting to see how snacking habits have shifted since the start of the coronavirus pandemic.