ASB approved its '23–'24 business plan with workforce training and education as one of its five areas of focus.
August 21, 2023
Sarah Day has joined the American Society of Baking staff as director of education, focusing on ASB’s strategic vision to deliver training, development, and educational resources to its growing membership and the commercial baking industry.
Capuano will support further M&A activity, integration, and future growth.
August 14, 2023
Most recently, Capuano served as the chief operating officer at TruRoots Company, a private equity backed food and beverage company where he led the end-to-end supply chain.
The CSO will step down from his current role on August 31.
August 10, 2023
Flowers Foods, Inc. today announced that effective December 31, D. Keith Wheeler, chief sales officer, will retire from the company after 35 years of service.