An unexpected twist on an age-old snacking problem takes Pringles center stage for its fifth year during the legendary football matchup and ad showdown.
Kansas City Wide Receiver Byron Pringle pens a deal with Pringles to help kick off the season and welcome back tailgating with team hometown-inspired flavor stacks.
Fan-favorite Sour Cream & Onion Pringles get a fiery upgrade, joining the brand's new spicy collection.
June 24, 2021
After introducing the new Pringles Scorchin' collection last year, Pringles is peeling back the onion with the addition of a fourth new fiery flavor that is sure to wow: Pringles Scorchin' Sour Cream & Onion.
Pringles' new flavor answers: 'What would a Moa Burger taste like?'
March 12, 2021
Pringles has plucked a new flavor from the far reaches of the gaming world, answering a question pondered by many Halo fans: what would a "Moa Burger" taste like?