Every day, we open our newspapers, trade publications, health journals and other forms of electronic communications. And every day, there is at least one story that lays the blame for America’s obesity and Type 2 diabetes epidemic on the demon: Sugar. But not all sugars are being blamed; it’s the added sugar that gets placed into foods unbeknownst to the average consumer who is not reading their food labels.
Last week, the American Bakers Association (ABA) urged the U.S. Senate to vote in favor of an amendment to the Agriculture Food, Farm and Jobs Act, or the Senate Farm Bill, reforming the current U.S. sugar program.
There’s a lot of sweetening going on; and it’s involving sugar a lot less of the time. As readers have undoubtedly discovered, media buzz regarding sugar hasn’t been positive during the past year.
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) says sugar prices will likely remain high due to external factors such as government policies, oil prices and instability in the Eurozone.