Company: Flowers Foods


Introduced: August 2022

Distribution: National

Suggested Retail Price: $2.29-$5.29

Product Snapshot: Football season is about to touch down and Tastykake is bringing back its themed on-the-go packaging.

Tastykake’s limited-time football products include:

  • Kickoff Cookies – Chocolate chip cookies baked with real chocolate. Available in a 12-oz. tub. {SRP $5.29}
  • Honey Buns – A classic Tastykake recipe offered in three flavors: Glazed, Iced, and Boston Crème. Available in single-serve. {SRP $2.29}
  • Mini Donuts – Tastykake's classic Mini Donuts covered in powdered sugar or frosted chocolate. Available in multipack bags. {SRP $3.49}