Company: Epi Ingredients
Ingredient Snapshot: SoCrispies is a new ingredient that reinvents the way to consume dairy and more specifically, dairy proteins. This extremely versatile crispy protein puff was co-developed with a company specialized in the extrusion process and is obtained through a patent-pending technology from 100 percent dairy protein. It is clean-label, and, thanks to a neutral flavor, it can be used in a variety of applications packing in both the crunch and the protein content!
The company is very pleased to announce that its commitment to driving innovation with on-trends concepts and ingredients has been rewarded once more with their latest innovation, SoCrispies, getting noticed by the jury of several innovation competitions, and even earning first place in Laita’s first ever in-house innovation contest.
SoCrispies are indeed similar to Rice Krispies in appearance and texture but unlike Rice Krispies, they are made of 90 percent dairy protein. They also do not contain added sugar.
The company’s application experts have worked on a number of possible nutrition-oriented applications for SoCrispies to show food manufacturers what’s possible. They are also available to work directly with customers and create bespoke variations as needed. For example, they could work with a brand on developing a cheese-flavored variation that could be sold as a stand-alone snacking product in individual pouches, just like potato chips.
Below are some ideas of what can be done with these unique protein crisps:
- A high-protein, sugar-free, fat-free nutrition bar using SoCrispies to lighten up the texture.
- Savory flavored (cheesy, curry, garlic, etc.) protein-fortified puff snacks made of SoCrispies.
- High-protein candy-like snacks featuring SoCrispies as their crispy, airy center, then wrapped in various possible coatings (dark chocolate, Greek-yogurt, etc.)