Introduced: October 2017

Distribution: National

Suggested Retail Price: $2.69

Product Snapshot: October brings even more reason to keep the fun popping for long-time family favorite brand JOLLY TIME Pop Corn. In addition to reveling America’s favorite snack (popcorn, of course) this National Popcorn Month, JOLLY TIME Pop Corn also celebrates the 20th anniversary of its top-selling product, Blast O Butter.

Popcorn has constantly evolved over the years, from street vendors to at-home air poppers to microwave popcorn and ready-to-eat items. Even the flavors have expanded from sweet to salty, indulgent to low-calorie options and the introduction of all sorts of niche snacking options. New popcorn flavors are coming to store shelves quicker than ever before, including JOLLY TIME’s newest microwave popcorn variety, Simply Popped. Amid this wonderful craze of new “out-there” flavors, JOLLY TIME Pop Corn knows that butter is still the flavor that reigns king for most consumers.

JOLLY TIME introduced Blast O Butter Microwave Pop Corn to grocery store shelves in 1997, bringing the ultimate butter theater style flavor to the home, and in that year was selected as one of the “15 Most Interesting Products of 1997,” by Food Processing magazine. Now, after 20 years, Blast O Butter continues to be a top seller at retail grocery stores and mass merchandisers nationwide. To uphold consumers’ appeal to JOLLY TIME’s Blast O Butter for 20 years, the packaging has evolved with the design trends of each decade with three changes since the product was first introduced, all reflecting the fun family theme of the theater-style butter popcorn. The newest Blast O Butter packaging, in addition to all JOLLY TIME Microwave Pop Corn packaging, was released this month, reflecting a partially minimalist design that contrasts against orange and yellow colors to emphasize the great taste of the popcorn and fun style of the brand.