Bush Leasing
New Lease on Life
The transition to independent operator distribution continues to grow at an accelerated pace, led by some of the largest companies in the baking and snack food industry. The ability to re-focus capital investments, time and efforts into your core area of expertise — creating great products — are just a few of the benefits of using independent operators.
The challenge in attaining these competitive advantages lies in successfully transitioning to and sustaining this model. Quick credit approvals; truck & trailer availability; truck maintenance; benefits; insurance; and tax & accounting services are all critical elements in making an independent contractor program successful.
Bush Truck Leasing’s comprehensive lease program delivers on all these services. It starts with guaranteed (and quick) credit approval, specified trucks in inventory and free nationwide delivery to get your routes covered. From there, Bush offers the services that independent contractors need to manage and sustain their businesses.
For more than 35 years, Bush Truck Leasing has delivered tailored lease programs for regional and Fortune 500 baking and snack food companies nationwide. For more information, visit www.BushTrucks.com.