Web site:www.gurleysfoods.com
Introduced: May
Suggested Retail:$1.99 for an eight-count, 3.25- to 10-oz. package

Company: Gurley’s Foods, Willmar, Minn.
Web site:www.gurleysfoods.com
Introduced: May
Suggested Retail:$1.99 for an eight-count, 3.25- to 10-oz. package
Product Snapshot:Gurley’sGolden Recipesnacks consist of Raw Almonds, Smoked Almonds, Jumbo Cashews, Honey Roasted Cashews, Chocolate Raisins, Chocolate Peanuts, Cinnamon Bears, Mixed Nuts, Butter Toffee Peanuts, Natural Pistachios, Pepita’s Pumpkin Kernels, Spicy Harvest Snack Mix, Sunflower Nutmeats, All-fruit Trail Mix, California Trail Mix, Country Trail Mix, Cranberry Trail Mix, Deluxe Trail Mix, Yogurt Trail Mix and Yogurt Pretzels.
Ingredients (All-fruit Trail Mix): Black raisins, golden raisins, diced dates, banana chips, papaya, pineapple, cherries, cranberries, apricots.