Candy Industry Senior Editor Liz Parker was recently able to touch base with Itzel Rincon, sales and NPI director, Chaucer Foods, an ingredient company, to talk about trends in the industry, as well as predictions for its future.

Liz Parker: What trends are you noticing that make an impact on the candy industry?

Itzel Rincon: As we’ve seen in other categories, the interest in functionality and all-natural ingredients are shaping today’s candy industry. Consumers want to boost their health, but don’t want to say goodbye to the delicious indulgences that they love, including candy. This allows for creative offerings such as lollipops made with simple, recognizable ingredients and sugar gumdrops infused with one’s daily vitamins. It’s all the stuff they love with none of the artificial flavors and additives they don’t.

LP: What ingredients or solutions do you offer that can help meet these trends?

IR: Our freeze-dried ingredients, from strawberry to blackcurrant, are 100% natural and full of functional benefits, such as vitamins and antioxidants. Available in a variety of forms—from pieces, powders, slices, and whole—these freeze-dried fruits can be mixed within candy formulations for a natural boost of functionality. 

LP: Where do you see the industry in 5–10 years? 

IR: Over the next 10 years, consumers will be looking for an experience that adds something extra to their candy craving. Whether that is a nostalgic twist on a childhood favorite or an exciting new flavor, the future candy creators should plan to level up their current options if they want to catch the attention of shoppers. 

LP: What are the common challenges formulators run into when developing new candies?

IR: Candies and confections, specifically those made with caramelized or boiled sugar, must reach a certain consistency and temperature to achieve that final delicious texture and perfect shape. When formulating with less and zero sugar or adding functional ingredients, that balance can be difficult to locate. This requires formulators to achieve the right recipe that meets their consumer’s preferred taste.

LP: How can a formulator balance the focus on health while creating a consistency that consumers desire?

IR: Candy formulations are often tricky to get right. Brands must develop the precise balance of consistency, flavor, and look, all while no longer being considered unhealthy. When looking to reduce sugar or replace with healthier and more natural ingredients, formulators can use freeze-dried fruit powder for the flavor, color, and texture, and cut down on the amount of sugar used. The fruit will eliminate the need for as many artificial additives through its own natural sugar, taste, and color. It’s a great way to get more “yum” while using less “yuck.”

LP: What is the greatest piece of advice that you can give a formulator developing these products?

IR: Don’t be afraid, have fun with your formulations! The candy industry is unique because it allows us to keep our inner child happy and still enjoy those more grown-up food experiences. That’s why we’re always telling customers to use that to their advantage. When you find yourself stuck in a rut trying to discover the next delectable candy innovation, think back to when you were a child. If you were Willy Wonka, what would be in your candy factory? What treat will always be your go-to? What’s that special memory? What could make it better? Take that insight, pair it with your industry know-how, and deliver an indulgence that will satisfy any shopper’s inner child.