Candy Industry Senior Editor Liz Parker was recently able to touch base with Kyle Krause, product manager, BENEO functional fibers and carbohydrates, North America, about its line of isomalt for sugar-free candies.

Liz Parker: How does Beneo's functional carbohydrate Isomalt work for unwrapped sugar-free candies?

Kyle Krause: The hygroscopicity of the raw material in candies is a vital factor. Because isomalt has a very low hygroscopicity, final products will not become sticky or melt—even at high temperatures. Therefore, sugar-free candies do not need to be individually wrapped as the candies are generally stable in the whole product packaging, e.g., flip-top boxes. This technical benefit provides a sustainable solution as the individual piece wrap can be avoided.   


LP: How can Isomalt produce more vibrant colors for sugar-free candy?

KK: Also, in contrast to other sugar replacers, isomalt crystallizes transparently, which allows the color in candies to keep their brilliance over the complete shelf life. Colors used in hard candy and chewing gum made with isomalt stay vibrant without mottling (white spots). This also provides a sustainable benefit as less color needs to be used. 


LP: BENEO recently expanded its sugar reduction portfolio with Beneo-scL85, a short-chain fructooligosaccharide (scFOS), which offers more versatility by replacing sugars and enriching foods with dietary fiber. How can scFOS enrich products while maintaining low- or no-sugar varieties?

KK: BENEO’s sc-L85 is indeed a relatively new offering in certain global markets that serves to replace sugar and add fiber to foods. As a liquid, it can replace similar sugar-containing ingredients and thus help to keep foods low in sugar.


LP: Any new ingredients on the horizon for BENEO in late 2023 or early 2024?

KK: BENEO’s new beta-glucan ingredient, recently launched and using barley as its raw material, is an affordable source of beta-glucan which enables FDA-approved health claims. Such a beta-glucan enriched flour can be used in snacks that meet the appropriate conditions of use as set forth by the FDA.