Special Report: Leaders in Innovation

Igniting innovation
It can start as a mere spark of an idea, gaining momentum in the intense heat of the moment. As it travels from creation to concept, all sorts of obstacles can prevent its fulfillment: self-doubt, inherent flaws, a flood of corporate objections, lack of resources, developmental hurdles, rollout hurdles, market circumstances, the list is endless.And yet, whenever innovation overcomes those and other trials, it can shine most brilliantly, illuminating a company and enlightening an industry.

Friedbert Klefenz, president, Bosch Packaging Technology
Bosch Packaging Technology
For decades now, the Bosch brand has been synonymous with innovation, quality and reliability. Our solutions are creating added value. This, in turn, lays the foundation for our customers’ commercial success.In order to be able to recognize market challenges and trends early enough so that customer-oriented solutions can be developed, Bosch Packaging Technology is committed to a close partnership with customers. An important trend concerns the area of physical health, which is becoming more and more important for purchase decisions.
“Good for you” products are on the rise because they contain healthy ingredients. Today’s chocolate products, for instance, are tooth-friendly and have added vitamins. Fruit gums are enhanced with additives. The so-called “Conf-Med” products are a crossover between confectionery and medication. The idea is that medicine should not leave a bitter taste, so sweet ingredients are added.
Bosch is the ideal partner for the realization of product ideas like this. With our cross-sector know-how we are able to offer pharmaceutical competence to customers in the confectionery and food industries, so that they can apply pharmaceutical standards to their production process. Conversely, we can offer our know-how of confectionery production to the pharmaceutical sector.
Our competence in the confectionery sector comprises production, processing, handling and packaging of hard and soft candy, jelly products, chewing gum, candy and cereal bars and chocolate. In the confectionery sector there is a continuing trend toward multifunctional production lines. This translates into flexible installations allowing fast changeover times for different products.
Practices that have long been standard in the pharmaceutical industry are now adopted for confectionery, especially “Clean- in-place (CIP)” technology, which is in great demand. Installations are cleaned automatically following production. There is no need for disassembly. One reason for the growing popularity of CIP is the fact that many confectionery products now have added pharmaceutical ingredients.
Another example of innovation at Bosch is the BDK 2000 A. This dosing system uses waterless boiling, saving energy and therefore also costs. It is a continuously operating dosing system for the production of sugar-glucose solutions for hard and soft candies or binding agents for bars. The waterless boiling method dissolves the sugar using the glucose syrup’s own water content.
Bosch Packaging Technology satisfies customer’s needs. We would not be in this strong position without the ability to succeed again and again through excellence. We are rewarded by our customers for this consistency with long-term partnerships.

Mads Hedstrom, managing director, A.E. Nielsen
A.E. Nielsen
It takes vision and vigor to be innovative. Mads Hedstrom, the company’s managing director, understands both, having worked with his father and uncle who founded the company in 1942.Today, as then, “We’re building a customer’s wishes into the heart of every machine,” he says. Those machines are much larger today, reflective of what the customer and the marketplace demands.
Back then the company was known for its compact enrobers. Today, A.E. Nielsen’s enrobers, moulding lines, depositors, cooling tunnels, temperers, and other various auxiliary equipment are large enough to handle virtually any chocolate processing operation.
Capable of delivering “large-scale solutions” to both confectioners and bakers, the company remains attuned to the very real need of also engineering operating flexibility for manufacturers.
“In the past where someone may have had three lines handling various products, today manufacturers want one line,” says Hedstrom. “They’re looking for minimal changeover times and simple sanitation.”
Such variables are all part of the innovation equation, he continues. “It’s an ongoing process, where our crew, many of whom have 25 to 30 years experience, are continuously reviewing our machines, working on ways to improve them.”
One key area that’s attracted attention from the company’s engineers is simplifying the ever-critical sanitation process. “Cleanability has become an overriding concern. For the longest time, enrobers have been fixed units. Our challenge today, can we design a unit that comes apart easily for cleaning?”
It’s clear that the company can, Hedstrom asserts, noting that it and other solutions for the industry were showcased at the most recent interpack 2008 exposition.
It’s also clear that the company remains committed to its heritage, one that revolves around “unbeatable productivity and reliability.”
“That’s been our positioning as a company for 65 years,” Hedstrom says. “It’s made our customers successful, which, in turn, has made us successful.”
Having witnessed the evolution from mechanical to electrical, Hedstrom also understands the thought process that transforms napkin sketches to blueprints, the design route that zigzags from plausible to practical. It’s a place where vision and vigor meet, an intersection for innovation. It’s also a place where Hedstrom and the A.E. Nielsen crew feel both comfortable and familiar.

Hans Vriens, chief innovation officer, Barry Callebaut
Barry Callebaut
Barry Callebaut, the world’s leading manufacturer of high quality cocoa and chocolate products, has developed a unique range of chocolate products that offer an improved, rebalanced nutritional profile. “Rebalanced chocolate” contains more dietary fibers, less sugar, less fat or can even be sugar-free. As consumers are becoming increasingly more health-conscious, Barry Callebaut’s “rebalanced chocolate” enjoys great success.“Since we started the rebalanced chocolate program eight months ago, we already have more than 80 projects with customers who have asked us to improve the nutritional profile of their application,” says Hans Vriens, chief innovation officer for Barry Callebaut. “Compared to other new product introductions, this is one of the fastest growing programs we have, reflecting apparent consumer acceptance. We see exponential growth in the number of customers that are using our chocolate with improved nutritional profiles and related health claims.
“Barry Callebaut was first to respond to customer demands for a new generation of chocolate that meets the need for better health choices,” he adds. “As the innovative chocolate expert, we see it as both an opportunity and a responsibility to help chocolate manufacturers develop nutritionally rebalanced, innovative chocolate applications without sacrificing the quality of indulgence. It is our vocation to deliver the innovation our customers seek.”
This breakthrough innovation stems from the company’s decades-long research into the natural goodness of the cocoa bean. The company offers its customers a variety of rebalanced chocolate applications that address the growing demand for healthier, more nutritionally-conscious food products. Nutritional claims of rebalanced chocolate include: fiber enrichment and sugar reduction, fat reduction, calorie reduction and even sugar-free.
Barry Callebaut offers a range of support services in the areas of product development, consumer research, legal issues and taste evaluation that make it the ideal partner in the development of innovative chocolate solutions. Barry Callebaut aims to forge genuine partnerships with its customers, supporting food manufacturers to develop innovative and exciting product concepts adapted to the needs of their brand and target groups.
“More and more chocolate partners are asking for exclusivity on specific technologies and on claims that they would like to use to distinguish themselves in the market and to make them more competitive,” says Vriens. “With more than 150 years of experience in the chocolate business, Barry Callebaut has developed solutions designed to address customers’ top priorities. We have the product knowledge and process technology expertise necessary to create compelling and innovative chocolate.”

Ulrich Kreimeyer, sales and marketing director, LoeschPack
The confectionery industry remains the most innovative segment of all the food industries since all of the new packaging ideas need especially innovative technical concepts to enable their implementation. The constant increase in more demanding requirements on the part of our customers necessitates ever greater expertise, perfect quality and the appropriate capacities.LoeschPack rises to this challenge as a leader in quality and innovation, implementing innovative concepts to meet these requirements. We take our inspiration from our motto “Packaging your Ideas” and develop comprehensive benefits for our customers.
In concrete terms, this means that we at LoeschPack develop, build and implement three to four completely new machines every year to suit our customers’ requirements. This high-speed pace is made possible by the corresponding capacities in the innovation team, which comprises development, construction, assembly and marketing.
Target groups for LoeschPack’s product program are the manufacturers of chewing gum (strips, tab gum, sticks, pellets), chocolate (tablets, bars, small articles, assortments, pralines) and dry baked goods (biscuits, waffles, cookies, crackers). These include small- to medium-sized companies for whom a comprehensive range of start-up solutions, semi-automatic or straight automatic solutions exist, as well as large multinationals with demanding requirements for complex tasks and solutions.
Complete packaging lines from interface production, with product distribution systems, temporary storage, primary packaging, secondary packaging as well as the integration of the final packaging, can be engineered if required.
The production of every single machine requires leadership in technology and innovation so that our customers obtain the best solution for the task at hand.
The best quality is achieved through the especially strict quality control of materials and the functions of the finished machines, as well as fastidious and repeated testing and commissioning procedures.
LoeschPack is a leading international company developing, manufacturing and supplying full service engineering packaging solutions.

Matthew Cottam, technical director, BCH Ltd.
BCH Ltd.
UK-based BCH Limited has been developing innovative process solutions since it started in 1835. Today, the company is a world leader in the production of licorice and fruit candy extrusion equipment. Combined with the on-site 11,000-sq.-ft. Innovation Centre, BCH welcomes customers from all over the world to develop new and healthier solutions for the confectionery industry.One of the most recent developments in the Innovation Centre involves a 100% fruit cooking and extrusion system. By combining BCH’s MaxiVap evaporation technology with its licorice extrusion technology, the company can evaporate high puree content fruit mixes with minimal impact on the fruit flavor and color. This then enables the production of a healthy snack bar or pieces using 100% organic fruit ingredients in a variety of colors, shapes and flavors.
BCH has also developed a line to manufacture jelly beans from an extruded center. This means that jelly beans can now be manufactured on a licorice line without the need for a starch depositing system. This new process involves a modified licorice recipe and reduces the production time from 48 hours to less than 16 hours.
Finally BCH has just launched a new product, which is the micro confectionery extrusion line. This is a cost-effective solution for any new start-up company or mature company wishing to enter a specialist niche market. The new user-friendly and easy to install solution presents a viable option to these market users lacking the large sales volumes to warrant investment in larger, more expensive production lines. For larger manufacturers it is suitable for recipe development and marketing sample production.

Christian Werner, general sales director, Hebenstreit GmbH
The history of German-based Hebenstreit GmbH and Hebenstreit-Rapido GmbH goes back to the year 1898. Together we can look back at 110 years of experience in developing wafer products and building wafer production lines. Our aim is to provide our worldwide customers with assistance in creating new products and fully automatic wafer production lines that allow them to produce successful and profitable brands.Hebenstreit equipment is currently used for the production of most types of flat and hollow wafers, cream-filled wafers, caramel wafers, crisp/rye and communion bread.
Our range of equipment goes from small-capacity, compact lines that have the advantage of being expanded when the market grows to high-capacity, super-size lines for large scale production.
In addition to the wafer baking line, Hebenstreit also supplies a complete system for the preparation of the wafer batter, including raw material handling systems and cream preparation plants with rework systems.
All Hebenstreit baking machines come with the very strong and robust baking plate carrier that ensures that wafers are baked within a very precise tolerance. The proven technology of using a baking plate carrier in combination with the baking plate has been upgraded.
Using newly designed adjustment features, the evenness of the wafer sheets can be maintained over many years of production. The new adjustment feature is now located between the baking plate carrier and the baking plate itself and not threaded into the plate carrier. This assures a simple, robust and efficient plate adjustment.
Hebenstreit has continued to optimize the design of their baking machines to minimize gas consumption and CO2 production. In an era of ever increasing energy costs, the reduction of up to 25% in gas consumption helps wafer producers maintain profit levels, while the reduction of CO2 helps customers meet stringent environmental standards.
Hebenstreit is proud to have been a major partner to all of the world’s leading wafer production companies and the factory is currently working to capacity to meet our customer’s demands. The company is so confident that this level of demand will continue that Hebenstreit is currently finalizing significant investment plans for new production facilities.

Peter Braun, head of R&D, Buhler
Bühler believes in the future of the cocoa and chocolate market and is committed to the continuous development of new technologies and knowledge. In this, the Chocolate & Cocoa business unit profits from the exchange of experiences and knowledge prevalent among the different specialized sites at Bühler, such as Barth, Frisse, and Bindler, as well as from synergies with other segments of the Bühler Technology Group.To maintain our leadership, we generate true added value for our customers through our designs, processes and production systems. Our aim is to create a balanced innovation portfolio in which basic research, product development, product maintenance and developments in customer service are included in the right proportions.
At the recent interpack 2008 exhibition, we presented our latest innovations throughout the whole product range, from the cocoa bean to the moulded and ready-to-package articles. Here are just some of our latest innovations:
Triggered by the continuing salmonella problem in the almond industry in the U.S., Bühler Barth developed the new CCP nut and almond pasteurization system, which would allow the salmonella count to be slashed by a value “better than logarithm 4” without affecting the natural appearance of the almonds. Compared to conventional systems, this gentle process takes place in a vacuum, resulting in very little moisture absorption during pasteurization, which is the reason why the characteristics of different oil seeds can be preserved.
Furthermore, to match the market needs for high-fat masses processing, Frisse launched with the LIQ a very efficient and easy-to-use liquifier based on the proven ELK-technology.
Bühler Bindler, on the other hand, presented the revolutionary new FlexiShot chocolate moulding system. Inspired by the way the human heart works, the new core module of the FlexiShot consists of adjustable nozzles, which allow absolutely drip-free moulding and clean tail breakage of the chocolate, regardless of its consistency. The flexible nozzles permit, with a given nozzle and a given setting, to mould chocolates of different viscosities.

Jan Hammink, managing director, Caotech
Development is done by Caotech in an evolutionary manner, avoiding dangerous mistakes. Customer relations are viewed as mutual opportunities for long-term rewards and profits. As an example, we can refer to our recent developments in cocoa processing and chocolate conching, which were shown at interpack 2008.Our line for high capacity cocoa processing has been upgraded with a N5000 pre-grinder, a Beater Blade Mill, a joint development between Dr.-Ing. Bauermeister GmbH and our company, for the continuous pre-grinding of cocoa nibs.
Equipped with special composed alloy-blades, the mill generates a high output – capacities up to 5,000 kg/hour – with minimal requirement for maintenance. For the large scale processing of cocoa masses we supply the new CAO 4000 continuous ball mill refiner for the intermediate and fine grinding of cocoa liquor. The CAO 4000 is capable of achieving capacities up to 4,500 kg/hour.
All grinders are low-speed type ball mills, which is important in respect of wear and temperature of the mass.
We think that one of the cornerstones for our success is related to our business philosophy, one which can be characterized as “old-fashioned.” In our context, the connotation bespeaks of enterprise, dedication, perseverance, empathy, engagement, service and foresight.
In the vision of Caotech, a business deal is not finished by supplying the equipment. The opposite is true; this is only a start for a business relation. Support after supplying equipment is a major tool in a business relation. This is where - in our opinion - companies like Caotech can distinguish itself from other suppliers. Development in an evolutionary way, together with a flexible organization, has made Caotech a major, worldwide player in grinding processing equipment for the cocoa and chocolate industry. We are confident that we can follow this course, play a more significant role in the future and be a reliable partner in this business area.

Francois Adele, general manager, Dumoulin
At Dumoulin, innovation is an integral part of daily activities prevalent in all departments, be it in enhancing processing expertise, exploring the use of new ingredients or developing new equipment. Working with leading manufacturers in candy, chocolate and also pharmaceutical industries during the past 50 years has driven the company to investigate new approaches and technologies across a broad spectrum of fields.Many of those explorations we chose to follow did not have a direct impact on financial benefits, but allowed us to know and understand a bit more of our panning world and its future. Naturally, these gleaned kernels of wisdom will eventually become tomorrow’s building blocks for our next developments and discoveries.
Our primary range of batch coating machines varied from 500 to 3,000 kg, a product line that has made us a market leader in this field. Nevertheless, several of our customers were interested in having smaller, flexible automatic panning machines. The cost of such smaller capacity panning units on the market, however, exceeded expectations.
As a result, Dumoulin has developed a new and very affordable 120 -250 kg fully automatic panning machine. This unit includes a perforated pan for sugar and sugar-free and a solid pan for chocolate panning and varnishing.
The innovation process involving ways to reduce the costs of such a machine was not easy, particularly with the strength of the Euro as well as the ongoing price increases in stainless steel. By overcoming those obstacles, however, the company was able to introduce a new economical, small-capacity automated panner, one that’s been well received by the market.
Of course, the Dumoulin team also focuses on assisting customers or ingredient manufacturers in the development of new processes for chocolate, sugar and sugar-free panning. Our flexibility and our support in development is recognized throughout the world.

Allan Aasted, managing director, Aasted-Mikroverk
It is innovation – constant innovation – that keeps a company fresh, forward thinking and fast on its feet. For Aasted-Mikroverk, innovation is as inherent as its chocolate heritage, says Allan Aasted, managing director. Going back to founder Kai Christian Sophous Aasted, the company has been in the forefront of revolutionary, evolutionary and groundbreaking product launches in the area of chocolate processing since 1946.Having rattled the industry’s vision of how to temper, Aasted-Mikroverk forever changed how chocolatiers viewed the moulding process with its debut of FrozenCone technology in 1992, a process that continues to undergo refinements and radical reapplication with the latest generation today.
The company hopes to do the same with extrusion technology, having debuted the Alice method of gentle extrusion at interpack 2005. And while Aasted-Mikroverk’s Allan, doesn’t place Alice’s technology in the same “revolutionary” context as FrozenCone, there’s no doubt that Alice incorporates several “unique” innovations not found in existing extrusion systems.
A year and a half in development, Alice treats virtually any kind of mass introduced – be it for a bakery, confectionery or snack product – gently, oh so gently.
Couple that with leading automation architecture – developed in tandem with Rockwell Automation -- and a simplified cleaning system, and Alice provides both confectioners and bakers with a quantum leap approach compared to existing extrusion technology.
During the course of pioneering Alice’s debut, the company has also consistently worked at improving tempering technology. Its AMC SuperShear line of temperers incorporate the SuperShear Scraper, which delivers 100% more shear, higher throughput and lower kinetic energy thanks to its multiple-wing design. Variable flow technology enables precise control as well as flexibility to ensure consistent delivery of perfectly tempered chocolate during production runs.
Given that a major part of the company’s sales involve tempering units, it’s not surprising that Aasted-Mikroverk keeps investing in improving this critical technology.
Nor then is it surprising to find that Aasted-Mikroverk reinvented its FrozenCone technology, one of the truly rare breakthroughs in chocolate processing automation.
Reinvention truly applies to the recently introduced FrozenConeMouldless system, which eliminates the use of moulds by incorporating super-cooled plungers to create various shapes in chocolate.
The piston-driven plungers are all mounted individually and can be exchanged, enabling manufacturers to create different shaped articles in one pressing motion, enhancing flexibility further.
And if that’s not impressive, the next FrozenCone application goes one step further. Building on the cold pressing platform established through FrozenCone, the ChocoAssort system, which uses an Aasted MMM chocolate moulding line, allows chocolate manufacturers to create a full assortment box of pralines in one swoop.
By creating dies that can feature between eight to 10 individual designs, and incorporating the use of computerized decorators and robotic pick ‘n place technology, the TripleM moulds, shapes and packs the chocolate assortment in one continuous process.
“We don’t want to be conservative,” Allan says. “We want to be an interesting partner, a dynamic partner, an innovative partner. From our vantage point, we consider ourselves large enough to cope with big projects, yet small enough to move fast with a customer’s needs and interests.”

Mirjam van Dijk, managing director, Duyvis/Wiener
Duyvis is specialized in engineering, producing and installing processing machines for the cocoa and chocolate industry. With its excellent engineering and mechanical team, Duyvis holds an impressive record in providing innovative solutions to the industry in general, and the cocoa and chocolate industry in particular.After intensive monitoring among the worldwide market leaders, which Duyvis/Wiener views as their core content customers, the company developed a compact chocolate machine, the Qchoc, to meet an evolving need within the chocolate industry.
The Qchoc, which was introduced at the recent interpack 2008 show in Düsseldorf, features components that have proved themselves over time as regards function and reliability. By connecting and/or integrating these components in a highly efficient manner, a perfect, all-in-one, stand-alone chocolate batch installation was created capable of producing chocolate of an outstanding fineness and quality.
During interpack 2008, not only did we introduce the Qchoc, but Duyvis/Wiener also featured the W95 Ball Mill, the new Wiecon 50, the Nibrotom 4000, new brochures, a new updated Web site (www.pmduyvis.nl) and a spare parts program. With these and all our other equipment, the company has compiled an impressive record in providing innovative solutions to the industry in general, and the cocoa and chocolate industry in particular.

Frank Temme, sales director, Klockner Hansel
Klöckner Hänsel Processing
At Klöckner Hänsel Processing, innovations are created by our skilled and experienced team of engineers and processing engineers, often in cooperation with our customers.Experience and competence in processing and machinery development as well as our well-equipped development and testing center, CandyLab, enable us to test new ideas before our latest developments are handed over to our customers. Most of the machines offered in our production range are available in the CandyLab on an industrial scale.
When it comes to special solutions, we are known to our customers as a qualified partner for customized lines and special solutions with both economical and technical benefits.
While automatic start-up and shutdown of continuous lines as well as high capacity lines with more than 4,000 kg/hour throughput have been available at Klöckner Hänsel for many years, we have continued to focus on further innovations for energy savings, automation and the extension of our product range.
The new Strada line with its new chain die for seamless forming of high-quality, filled candies or the Unibatch new generation of batch cookers, which have an option for weighing, cooling after cooking and cooking under overpressure or vacuum as well as the HFD-3 Fondant beating machine (patent pending), represent just a few of our latest innovative developments.
It is important for us to listen to our customers in order to understand their needs and requirements. That´s why we have extended our range of hard candy lines with the development of the Sucroliner 1700, which is specifically designed for smaller production capacities. This unit gives those customers who are used to working with batch-wise systems under limited possibilities the ability to produce high-quality items.
This new Sucroliner can be used for pharmaceutical candies or for a sugar glucose ratio of 70:30 and has the same advanced design as the bigger ones in its main components, like e.g. the patented discharge and mixing screws.
The feedback from the past interpack 2008 in April provided the company with many positive comments from our worldwide customers, confirming that the company remains on the right track.
Klöckner Hänsel has been the first supplier in the market with a tube-in-shell cooker for candy masses like the patented Crossflow or the JellyStar. To remain innovative, however, means a company can’t stop the idea-generation process, it has to further develop its existing machines with new innovative ideas. The new JellyStar 2014 for crystal clear jelly mass provides just one more example of our continuous innovation process.

Jorg Sommer, sales director, F.B. Lehmann
F.B. Lehmann
Given its rich history with five-roll refiners, it was only natural that F.B. Lehmann introduce a new generation of five-roll refiners. Two key developments highlight the innovations:First, the new generation of five-roll refiners contains five rollers, five motors and five frequency converters. The result is an absolutely flexible, immediate adjustment of frictions between the rollers without changing gears.
Different frictions are needed for different recipes, such as for milk chocolate and dark chocolate. The different settings of each roller can be stored and recalled back as a recipe in the Multipanel. The speeds and therefore the frictions can be changed effortlessly and individually.
The second breakthrough involves a forced cooling water system. In combining the cooling system into the five-roll refiner, the unit is ideal for heat sensible products, such as milk chocolates and absolutely fine chocolates (17 and 18 µm). Why? The heat is guided away from the friction area efficiently and quickly to preserve the fine taste even under tough friction conditions.
Cooling water is pressed through the rollers in a safe “first in, first out” way. As no air is incorporated in the cooling water system, cooling directly under the hardened surface of the roll very near to the friction area is ensured.
The new five-roll refiner generation is indicative of the company’s ongoing quest to deliver innovation tied to productivity, flexibility and improved quality.
In addition, the company recently developed a continuous laboratory roaster, type KRL, that can be used for drying of cocoa beans, hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts and similar products.
With the KR range of continuous flow-type dryers, the beans, nibs or nuts are gently dried. The very low temperature differences between the air and the product during all these processes results in a very homogenuously roasted product.
The material to be dried is fed in small charges from above and passes downwards through the various stages of the dryer without ever being subjected to a higher static pressure. During the whole treatment, the material is at rest in the trays and is only turned and mixed as it is transferred to the next level.

S.A. Martin Lloveras' Martin Lloveras Morell, general manager, and Jordi Torres, sales & marketing manager, and Fred Hintlian, president, Varick Enterprises.
Over the last several years enormous changes have occurred in the world in general and in our industry specifically. One catalyst is, of course, communication technology. The speed, volume and incredible ease with which customers and suppliers communicate have improved so dramatically and have revolutionized how we all do business. No one misses waiting for the old telex to laboriously chunk out information and now it’s almost impossible to tell by call quality where a phone call originates, it could be next door or Timbuktu.Several years ago, as data sharing improved, Lloveras implemented the novel idea of allowing customers to track the manufacturing progress of their orders online. This was extremely beneficial to them as most of the equipment we produce is made to order and thus has a certain lead time. By employing this technology, Lloveras had become one of the industry leaders in customer communication technology. Now, however, what was once a novel idea is common place with many competitors doing the same.
As suppliers to the confectionery, snack and health food industries, we bear the responsibility of ensuring continuous contribution and accountability that comes with the territory of progressing in these rapidly changing industries. How we achieve this lofty goal is by pushing “the envelope.”
We must challenge ourselves by continuing on with the technical advancement of our own supply while at the same time studying the development of our customers’ new products, enabling them to garner greater profit and market share. This vision can often separate one supplier from another and ultimately set the basis for an equable partnership between customer and supplier.
Lloveras, where innovation begins….

Andreas Thenhaus, sales & marketing manager, Sollich KG.
The Sollich company originated in 1920 as a bakery and pastry manufacturer, founded by Robert Sollich. In 1928 Robert Sollich started to invent the first candy machines because no appropriate machine for his demand was on the market.This was the beginning of the innovative confectionery machinery development that Sollich stands for today. With the experience of a confectionery and candy producer, Sollich machine and process know-how and the “innovative view into the future,” the company does not simply build a machine for the purpose of running a machine.
Rather, it builds a machine to produce a finished product. And this is why innovation at Sollich is not solving a problem by adding or changing a component; at Sollich innovation means to start at the end with the finished product of our customers and then evaluate the process steps and necessary components to tailor-make the equipment to meet the needs of the client.
The company is spending a tremendous amount of resource and effort into our R&D center and laboratory to continuously optimize our equipment.
The latest innovations that were exhibited at interpack 2008 represent the results of intensive research and development activities in the past years.
The machinery shown included various versions of the new TURBOTEMPER TOP tempering machines in different sizes and executions. The new developed machines are the result of continuous R&D work at Sollich and are presenting together with the automatic TEMPERGRAPH maximized tempering technology. Together with an improved tempering quality, the capacity of the machines was improved by 10 – 15% compared to the previous TURBOTEMPER Champ.
Also on view were different chocolate enrobing machines with working widths between 320 and 1,050 mm and one special Duplex enrober. All enrobers are built without straps. This new technology has been patented. All models can be used with auxiliary equipment such as a decorator, sprinkler and truffle rolling device. From the family of enrobers, a MINICOATER type TTS 420 together with two MINITEMPER machines type TFD 150 and TFP 300 were also shown.
The SOLLCOTOP machine, suitable for almost all fluid enrobing materials such as chocolate, compound or hot and cold icings, was also exhibited. Besides a CONBAR bar forming line with slitting, spreading and cutting of cereal and candy bars, a newly developed MINICONBAR line for small production capacities was on display.
Sollich’s SOLLCOFILL equipment for the deposit of caramel, jelly or creams and nut paste onto biscuits, including a new developed sandwiching unit type SOLLCOCAP, together with the complete range of praline-forming machines including the SOLLCOFORM type SFP, were also shown at interpack 2008.

Rainer Runkel, managing director, Winkler und Dunnebier Susswarenmaschinen GmbH
Winkler und Dünnebier Süßwarenmaschinen
With 95 years of experience in the production of confectionery machinery, Winkler und Dünnebier Süßwarenmaschinen GmbH (WDS) reflects the spirit of the family-owned middle-size company that has an outstanding manufacturing and engineering track record-one infused with a passion for innovation.Having specialized in the field of shaping confectionery products for decades, WDS enjoys a reputation of building production lines of the highest quality and reliability. The robust line layouts grant trouble-free continuous operation in the field.
Currently, the company faces great demand from its customers for line modifications as well as the modernization of existing lines. The modernization requests concentrate mainly on the installation of depositors, the integration of servo-controlled drives and the implementation of actual additional units (Flash Shell cooling station and decorating station, sugar sanding equipment and extruders).
Ongoing research and development remain an important emphasis, as reflected in the company’s technology lab. By being in direct contact with the research and development departments of the international confectionery industry, the company’s staff has created attractive products with new and often complicated product characteristics.
On-site, servo-driven lab depositors, flash shell cooling units, extruders and other components of the actual WDS depositing plants foster a real-life plant manufacturing environment. The lab-scale lines can be easily adjusted to meet the different product requirements and are suitable for all sample test runs, including on the customer’s premises.
A key project that reflects ongoing innovation and development is the WDS Flash Shell cooling station (FSC). The technology of the WDS-cold printing station is characterized by an exact mould transport (with formation of groups) to the FSC-station, proper mould positioning below the stamping unit and perfect isolation and climatization of the complete compact station.
Another area that reflects an innovative breakthrough involves product analysis. The WDS tempergraph replaces complex laboratory analysis. The WDS tempergraph will enable a recall by push-button as well as an electronically generated reference temperature (instead of ice water). For the optimization of the process control, the product tracing and the mould logistic WDS moulding lines with RFID technique were developed. Numerous software developments such as WDS Form & Design for the product modelling complete the new developments.
Under the guiding idea, “Customer care with a system,” all customer-contact areas and departments will further develop a network of explanatory self-helps, service and consulting guides and step-by-step modular supplements. By accenting and expanding networking and service-related functions, coupled with past and current innovations in confectionery processing lines, WDS is brilliantly prepared for the market demands of the future.

Paolo Dellacha, general director, Sympak Group
Sympak Group
With a turnover of approximately 150 million Euros and 600 employees worldwide, the Sympak Group is one of the major European companies exclusively focused on designing, manufacturing and commercializing processing and packaging machines/lines, mainly for the food industry. The innovating process involves all companies of our Group (Corazza, RC, OPM, Stephan and Sympak Process Engineering), that co-operate in the relevant specific market segment, combining their experience and their competences to optimize our technologies.Innovation stands not only for new products and new technologies but also for the successful implementation of creative ideas within the Group. In this view, creativity is a starting point for innovation. This allows us to realize turnkey solutions, which satisfy our customers’ requirements.
Every day our research and development centers face new challenges related to meeting different customers’ needs. Every new product launch is especially created to meet the market’s demand for flexibility and performance.
Therefore we are both widening our range of products and constantly developing our technologies, engineering new accessories and equipments.
Interpack 2008 was the perfect occasion to showcase our latest technological innovations: OPM demonstrated a turnkey solution for chocolate tablets with a completely functioning Intermittent Motion Moulding Plant (OPM Chocolate), a Gondolae Buffer (SAMAS), a Flow-wrapping Machine (Jointech) and a Top Loading Cell (OPM Packaging).
We optimized the line equipping the moulding plant with OPM’s newly patented Laser Scattering 3D Moulds Detection System. This innovative system uses a low power laser illumination source and a low standard camera for the detection of the reflected light. Scanning the mould’s surface, the system retraces a real 3D model in order. It then compares the reference image (a previously scanned empty mould), providing information about the presence of undermoulded or incorrectly moulded items. The information enables the mould’s removal.
The packaging section was equipped with a new innovation as well. The OPM top Loading Cell featured a new Rotary High Speed Feeder, which assures gentle product treatment as well as noise reduction.
Sympak Group technologies reflect our constant effort to combine know-how and research in order to meet customers’ requirements.

Ram Chaudhari, senior executive vice president and chief scientific officer, Fortitech, Inc.
Ingredients have not changed in name over the last several years, however many other factors have. For example, consumer awareness regarding the long-term benefits of a healthy diet is driving manufacturers to consider nutrient fortification to differentiate their products from the competition on the already overcrowded supermarket shelf. The regulatory landscape has changed as well and product developers and suppliers have since learned to use available technology more effectively.At the same time, various new ingredients have recently emerged which may prove useful in applications that previously had little or no hope of efficacy because of their potential off-notes. Advances in microencapsulation and nanotechnology have helped to make the inclusion of these nutrients possible, but there are a variety of formulation challenges manufacturers face, which can be minimized from the start by understanding nutrient interactions and how to address them through the use of a customized nutrient premix.
Fortitech takes an innovative approach to product formulation by partnering with our customers from the inception of an idea right through to the final end application. This includes determining the most appropriate market form of a particular nutrient, based on the product’s basic ingredient matrix and other nutrients slated for inclusion to ensure that the product can meet its label claims as well as taste good, which is the defining factor of a product’s success with the consumer.
Confections can be an excellent and convenient delivery system for multiple nutrients. Over the past 20 years, Fortitech has created over 30,000 custom nutrient premixes that have targeted a variety of health conditions which include heart, bone and brain health, stress reduction, digestive health, obesity and fatigue – just to name a few.

Peter Meyer, managing director-sales, Haas-Mondomix
Haas-Mondomix B.V., a business unit of the privately owned Haas Group, whose brands include Franz Haas Waffel, und Keksanlagen Industrie and Haas-Mondomix, is the world-wide market leader in the field of continuous aeration-related processing equipment and turnkey solutions. The equipment is applicable for the bakery, confectionery and dairy industries and used by customers in more than 55 countries worldwide.The company’s track record remains unparalleled because of its well-known reliability and quality, its problem-solving capabilities and flexibility.
Being part of the Haas group makes us even more capable for delivering solutions to our customers worldwide. As the company’s slogan points out, “We do not just sell machines, we sell total solutions.”
For example, one of the newest products that the company recently presented at interpack 2008 in Düsseldorf is the new High-Speed Depositor. Suitable for depositing all types of aerated chocolate creams, batters and marshmallows, it combines undreamt of possibilities with the well-known Haas-Mondomix stamp of quality.
The unit is able of depositing at high speed; up to 300 rows per minute depending on the product. Other features include a changeable and flexible program and easy change outs of depositing tools.
Together with Houdijk Holland, Haas-Mondomix also presented the new HMH Capper and Cream system at the show. The two companies Haas-Mondomix and Houdijk have formed a joint venture to design, manufacture, market and sell full-width creamers worldwide.
By integrating the two technologies (base cake handling and cream preparation,) the Houdijk/Haas-Mondomix joint venture offers the best available know-how in this technology.

Roberto Bucchi (right), ceo of Carle & Montanari, and Moreno Roncato, president of Carle & Montanari, USA.
Carle & Montanari
Carle & Montanari, part of SACMI, Imola, Italy, and Carle & Montanari USA, Inc., once again demonstrated their penchant for innovation by developing a new moulding concept, one that’s suitable for all customers, be they small to large manufacturers.The new “H” Cavemil Crem moulding line for making chocolate products by various applications such as shell moulds, book moulds, biscuits, wafers, inclusions, or one-shot in all mould sizes offers manufacturers a low initial investment as well as potential for quick modular upgrades, which can be supplied with different layouts. Its configuration can be easily modified to include new products or extra capacity as needed.
As Roberto Bucchi, Carle & Montanari’s ceo points out, “The H layout concept is another example of how Carle & Montanari is able to develop and bring to market new ideas that change the way we think about chocolate moulding. We did it with the Rotary Depositor, with the Chainless, and now with this powerful concept of the H layout. Our goal is to make the equipment more flexible and operation and maintenance friendlier, keeping the investment at the lowest possible level.”
Not all segments need to be purchased at once, since customers may select the moulding unit that first matches their actual application need. As a result, they can let the marketplace decide which modules might be needed in the future.
This philosophy allows for a low starting investment, with the step-by-step upgrade coming into consideration if, and when, it is needed for new products or increased capacities. The “H” shaped layout determines how customers may add new, independent moulding “branches” without touching the main moulding line. A new branch with cooling, for example, allows for a huge capacity increase from potentially 15 to 25 moulds per minute. Additional branches of the “H” Cavemil Crem remain totally independent, with each being run as needed for production.
Flexibility of the “H” branch-based configuration also offers the widest possible accessibility of any moulding line in the market. Each point of the moulding line is open and accessible on all sides, and processing areas can be easily reached for setting, cleaning and maintenance operations. According to the company, “One particular benefit to customers are potentially great savings regarding the number of moulds used for each production run, as well as energy savings for better environmental sustainability.”

Peter Tanis, sales director, Tanis Food Tec
Tanis Food Tec
Much of the innovation in the food processing equipment segment comes down to refining and simplifying. Over the years Tanis Food Tec has been one of the leading companies in fine tuning, resulting in expert process solutions for mixing, tempering, aeration, crystallizing and depositing. The new developments seem to make the TFT equipment smaller and sleeker. This year’s introduction, the RotoJelly, is an all-on-one-frame jelly system. All components are fitted onto the skid, even the water tempering set.“What engineers and manufacturers will love about it is that there is no need to buy separate parts anymore, and that all settings are done on one plc-screen,” says Peter Tanis, sales director, TFT.
TFT equipment is therefore far less vulnerable for troubles that can occur between connecting parts. A new feature is the possibility to measure the pH of the product making it possible to continuously get a jelly with the right pH level.
According to Tanis, jellification in pipe work is history thanks to automated start-up-, interruption- and stop-cycles that include cleaning. Today’s severe hygienic standards are easily met.
“Our customers are required to meet sanitation regulations,” he explains, “and on the other hand they want as little down-time and scrap as possible. We ask ourselves, can we design equipment that combines their focal points?”
Given the RotoJelly and last year’s introduction, the RotoPlant, it becomes obvious the company is succeeding. The innovations at TFT are clearly inspired by their customers and often developed in close cooperation. This personal approach is a feature that Tanis wishes to maintain. It characterizes the dynamics and flexibility of a small but smart company that is dedicated to its global customers and the finer details of processing food.

Michael Wolf, president, Wolf Spezialmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG
Wolf Spezialmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG
Wolf Spezialmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG offers complete solutions relating to tempering, enrobing and cooling, decorating, chocolate coating, depositing compounds, and special units such as nut cutters and nut cluster machines. Peripheral units such as tanks, pumps, etc. are of course also part of the programme.Focus during the last few years has been on the consistent advancement of the coating cabin, which has now become one the best belt coaters in the world. It is designed for three-shift operation and is equipped with an automatic belt cleaning system. The heated scraper (patent) in particular, which is installed within the cabin, has minimized the chocolate build-up on the belt and made cleaning intervals between batches largely unnecessary. This in turn lessens the proportion of rework chocolate accumulated, making significant cost savings possible.
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