This year marked the 20th staging of the Upakovka/Upak Italia show in Moscow. Nearly 20,000 visitors came to view the confectionery and packaging exhibits from 300 companies representing 22 countries.
“The trade visitors know that there is no other event in Russia where they can get such a complete overview of what is available internationally and this is the only place where they will get the opportunity to experience innovative systems in operation!” says Erhard Wienkamp, division director of Messe Düsseldorf, who along with its Russian subsidiary OOO Messe Düsseldorf Moscow and Centrexpo were organizers of the show.
The next Upakovka/Upak Italia is scheduled for Jan. 29 — Feb. 1, 2013 in Moscow — again concurrently with Interplastica. For additional information, visit Messe Düsseldorf North America at