Marjack In The Middle
Move it, Move it Might be the Mantra for This Fast-growing Specialty Market Distributor Whose Daily Juggling act of Procurement, Shipping and Servicing Clients is Helping to Expand Candy’s Presence Beyond the Boundaries of Traditional Retail Channels.
Life as a middleman — aka specialty market distributor — aka alternate-channel wholesaler — can be downright exhausting. There are thousands of products to pick, pack and ship to locations nationwide, inventory levels to maintain, vendor relationships to manage, and customers clamoring for just-in-time delivery. And if there are problems, well, nobody wants to hear about that.
“At the end of the day, the only thing the
customer wants to know is: ‘Did you get the product there when I
needed it?’” says Neil Cooper, vice president of sales and
marketing for Marjack Co., a Landover, Md.-based distributor of candy,
snacks and more. Marjack’s client roster includes nearly 20,000
theaters, video rental stores and alternate-channel retailers such as
Office Depot, Dick’s Sporting Goods, Michaels and FedEx
For clients such as these, it is Marjack’s job
to procure and ship products so that the merchandise arrives — on
time but not too soon — at each retail location.
“There are no back-room stocks in a lot of the
special markets that we service,” says Warren Coopersmith,
Marjack’s president/chief executive officer. “Whatever comes in
goes on the shelf.”
To keep merchandise flowing smoothly to its retail
clients, Marjack must also maintain relationships with hundreds of
manufacturers, many of whom view distributors as “a necessary
evil,” says Coopersmith. “The manufacturer looks at wholesalers
(distributors) as adding cost,” he explains.
Coopersmith and Cooper have attempted to improve
relationships with vendors by educating them about the value of the
services the company provides. One of their key messages is that Marjack
can be a helpful ally to manufacturers seeking to sell alternate-channel
retailers on the benefits of the candy category.
A case in point: FedEx Kinko’s, a chain of 1,300
business centers located throughout the United States. The company began
testing a small candy set in a handful of stores this fall and is now in
the process of introducing it system-wide. “The fact that we’re
rolling it out says it’s going very well,” reports Jeff Heyman,
vice president of retail for FedEx Kinko’s. “We try a lot of
things, and the best ones get rolled out.”
Marjack identified FedEx Kinko’s as a potential
hot prospect for retailing candy a couple of years ago and set to work
attempting to persuade that company’s management of the wisdom of
such a venture.
“At the same time we were trying to get them
into the candy business for two and a half years, so was Masterfoods and
Hershey and Nestlé,” says Cooper. “It’s a really
good partnership between the distribution community and the manufacturing
community to make these things happen at retail.”
“We’ve pulled a lot of manufacturers into
this facility [for tours and presentations],” Coopersmith adds,
“and they’re starting to understand that if we can affect the
programs that they’re trying to put into the special markets in a
positive way, it will result in more sales for everybody.”
Marjack’s role is to simplify the process of
purchasing and managing the candy category for buyers in the chains it
services, because few — if any — of them can dedicate all of
their time to that pursuit. “They’re also buying books or
clothing or other items,” says Coopersmith. “So they’re
looking for a relationship that will support their needs.”
How Marjack makes it work
Marjack operates from 12 climate-controlled
distribution centers scattered throughout the country. The distributor has
its own fleet of tractor trailer trucks and smaller carriers and also ships
product via UPS and FedEx.
Beyond the trucks and state-of-the art-facilities,
“I think one of our most undervalued services is a non-technical
thing,” says Coopersmith. “It’s that we’re in
stock, day in and day out.”
Making sure that happens can be tricky. The process
starts in the purchasing department, explains Chris Hoy, senior director,
purchasing. Hoy and his team of six buyers ask customers to forecast their
candy and snack inventory requirements. They take that information, as well
as additional relevant data, and plug it into Marjack’s custom-built,
predictive purchasing models.
“With predictive purchasing,” says
Coopersmith, “we always have a purchasing staffer who calls these
manufacturers constantly [asking], ‘Where’s our product?
Where’s our product?’ You have to pull it in,” he
emphasizes, “because if they [the vendors] are out of stock, our
customers don’t care.”
“We make sure that [inventory] level is
available and communicate it back to the customer,” says Hoy.
Marjack recently implemented a new software system
that makes it easier for buyers to identify potential roadblocks within the
supply chain. “They [the buyers] can pull up a screen and see if
there is an issue with a vendor or an item,” says Robert Mayn,
Marjack chief operating officer. “It allows them to react in real
Stocked for the seasons
Members of Marjack’s purchasing team take pride
in their expertise with seasonal and promotional buys — key parts of
the candy business and areas that appear to be growing in importance for
alternate-channel retailers.
“Whether it’s back-to-school or [holiday]
seasonality or just an in and out … those things are just over and
above and require pulling a lot of new manufacturers for just one
time…[manufacturers] that you don’t have a lot of history
with,” Coopersmith explains.
“More and more customers are coming to us for
promotional buys,” adds Cooper. “In many cases, like on
seasonal product, there’s an allocation, i.e. there’s only a
certain amount of product available. So it’s up to Marjack to get it
shipped here on time and to get it shipped to the store so there are no
empty shelves.”
Coopersmith explains: “That’s where you
can really fall down as a distributor because it’s so visible —
all of a sudden a slot’s not filled or an item’s not there for
a [retailer’s] promotion or to fill the display space.” This is
where the purchasing team ramps up its efforts, staying in close
communication with vendors to ensure that demand is met.
Marjack typically has several hundred
seasonal/promotional items within its system at any given time, says
Coopersmith. That’s out of a total assortment numbering about 4,000.
Categorically speaking
For customers that want the service, Marjack is
equipped to provide candy and snack category management — to make
recommendations about what products to stock and how best to merchandise
them. Services include developing plan-o-grams, procuring fixtures and
offering tips for maximizing product turn and profits.
That sort of expertise is important to FedEx
Kinko’s, Heyman reports. “Not being a traditional retailer and
not having the room to have a large assortment, we really rely on them to
tell us what the hot products are,” he says. “We have a very
small assortment [29 SKUs], so we can’t afford to make mistakes. I
can’t have a position in the plan-o-gram that is not
At Cooper’s suggestion, the distributor has
teamed with some of its clients to enhance the front-end set by
incorporating some frequently purchased health and beauty aids including
pain relievers, lip balm, hand sanitizer and moisturizing lotion, which
have even higher margins than candy. “That way the buyer can say,
‘Just give me three feet up front, and by the way, I’m going to
work the top 15 candy items in,’” says Cooper.
Tapping into technology
You can’t deliver the level of service that
Marjack provides without investing heavily in technology. Marjack has
invested more than a million dollars since Coopersmith made the decision to
bring information technology in-house three years ago.
When IT director Jim Mischke joined the company at
that time, Marjack used EDI (electronic data interchange) to communicate
with only one of its customers. Today the distributor uses the
computer-to-computer communication to handle orders and invoices for the
vast majority of its vendors and retail clients.
Computerized warehouse management systems used at
Marjack’s 12 distribution centers ensure order-fulfillment accuracy
and error-free invoicing. When cartons are shipped they carry bar-coded
labels that allow the recipient to easily scan them, eliminating the need
for a manual check-in.
“What was special a year ago in the EDI world is
becoming standard and absolutely required,” Coopersmith observes.
Customers “want to move product seamlessly,” he continues.
“They want to move it without paper. They want to move it without
checking it in.”
Within the past year Majack began deploying its
technological expertise to provide a handful of customers with a new
service. “We recently created a virtual warehouse for a couple of our
customers, where we’re selling some confectionery items third
party,” says Coopersmith. “It’s like amazon.com. They
[the shopper] will click on our customer’s Web site, order a bunch of
stuff, and it will come through us. So we’ve just created a virtual
warehouse to support our customers. The invoice arrives with our
customer’s label and billing information. The [end] customer
doesn’t even know we’re involved.”
Offering a sophisticated bundle of services is
important in setting Marjack apart from the competition, and, as
Coopersmith is quick to point out, there is plenty of competition.
“We compete with everyone from the big guys such as McLane, which is
a $24 billion company, to Vistar, which is mainly a foodservice and vending
supplier, down to the candy and tobacco jobbers and the club stores [where
a small retailer might purchase product for re-sale]. Our competition is
Raising the (candy) bar
Talking with Coopersmith, it’s easy to see the
pride he takes in the advances his company has made in the past several
years — everything from new systems and software to the way the
distribution centers have been reorganized for maximum product-picking
efficiency. As much as he believes that such measures help set his company
apart from other distributors, however, he is also the first to point out
that the steps Marjack took were not optional. Without the investments and
upgrades, the company could not have kept pace with its current customers
— and attracted new ones. What’s more, Coopersmith contends
that unless other distributors opt for similar investments that allow candy
to make its way seamlessly to the shelves of alternate-channel retail
outlets, these retailers may not take the trouble to stock the sweet stuff.
“If the candy category does not have the support
system in place for retailers to carry these products, they
[alternate-channel retailers] are going to say, ‘It’s too
costly, it’s too inefficient,’” he claims.
“‘We’ll put something else on the front-end; we’re
not going to deal with confections.’ We really believe that what
we’ve put together is a requirement for this industry,” he
concludes. n
The marjack story
A visit to Marjack’s corporate headquarters in
Landover, Md., begins in an airy, two-story foyer decorated with oversize
movie posters. The posters celebrate Marjack’s roots as a local
distributor of concessions for movie theaters. In fact, the company still
supplies popcorn, candy, paper products and cleaning supplies to a long
list of entertainment industry clients including Regal Cinemas and the
Hollywood Video chain.
Several years ago, however, it became apparent to
Marjack President/CEO Warren Coopersmith that the company his father
founded in 1946 had reached a do-or-die point in its history. Some of
Marjack’s movie theater customers had financial challenges, and
others were expanding and required distributors with broader geographic
coverage and more sophisticated services.
"Our customers told us, ‘We’re
growing, so either grow with us or stand aside, because we can't deal with
mom-and-pop/small players,’’’ says Coopersmith.
Coopersmith opted for growth and began the process of
staffing up. He also began eyeing potential opportunities servicing the
fast-growing specialty retail sector. Robert Mayn, now Marjack’s
executive vice president/chief operating officer, joined the company in
1998. Later additions to the team included sales and marketing vice
president Neil Cooper; Pam Paladino, director of human resources; and Jim
Mischke, director of information technology.
Many of the company’s managers have resumes that
include positions with Fortune 500 corporations. Cooper, for example, held
sales posts with General Foods, Clorox and Perrier. Director of operations
Terry Scott joined Marjack a year ago after 24 years at General Motors, and
logistics manager Sandy Hoffman came from Coca-Cola.
Whatever their backgrounds or current roles, members
of the Marjack team share a goal-oriented, can-do mindset.
“You can spend as much time as you want here or
at any branch,” says HR director Paladino, “and two things I
promise you will never hear are, ‘That’s not my job’ and
‘That’s not how we do it here.’ Our culture is that
we’re all on the same team, and we do all kinds of crazy things to
service our customers, and we expect every one of our employees to jump in
and help.”
Sweet Support for the Troops
One of Marjack’s proudest projects has nothing
to do with supplying retailers, although candy certainly is involved.
About a year and a half ago, President/CEO Warren
Coopersmith put the word out to vendors that he wanted to organize a
benefit program for soldiers who had sustained injuries in the Iraq
conflict and were undergoing treatment at the nearby Walter Reed hospital.
The response was gratifying.
“The industry has been phenomenally
supportive,” says Coopersmith. In addition to cases and cases of
candy, contributions include movie passes and movie DVDs. Every month
Warren and his wife, Kate, make a trip to Walter Reed to make sure that the
returning soldiers have something to smile about.