The latest metal detector equipment can be integrated with vertical packaging while also sharing real-time status updates with operators via Industry 4.0. They feature accessible, customizable touch screens; options for easy upgrades, and seamless integration within multiple parts of the production line.
Advancements like 3D printed foods, handheld food sensor devices, and automation all have exciting potential — but they also come with food safety concerns.
Velissariou was among a panel of guests on a recent episode of the FDA’s TechTalk podcasts, which focused on using artificial intelligence in food safety.
Mars’ Maria Velissariou was among a panel of guests on a recent episode of the FDA’s TechTalk podcasts, which focused on using artificial intelligence in food safety.
Metal detection specialist Fortress Technology examines the different factors that are accelerating the need for smarter systems, and how intelligent inspection equipment is helping to usher in a new era of food safety.
This “wet clean” approach significantly improves food safety compliance and system reliability. It also thoroughly flushes out any potential allergens like nuts or gluten from conveying equipment.
Over 300 local and international top food safety professionals will meet on 4th December 2012 at the Hilton Hotel Nehru Place, New Delhi, India. Read More