Consumers are more aware than ever that maintaining a “healthy” diet is important, but they aren’t as clear on what that means, according to new research from Spoon Guru.
Partnership pairs IRI’s point-of-sale data with Label Insight’s product label and ingredient attributes.
June 12, 2019
Chicago-based research firm IRI and Label Insight are joining forces to provide CPG manufacturers and retailers more insight into product performance based on nutrition and ingredient label data.
Label Insight says 73 percent of 2,021 consumers surveyed would pay a premium for products that offer complete transparency in a variety of areas, including certifications, ingredients lists, nutritional breakdowns, allergens lists, and information on how products are sourced, produced and handled.
A recent Label Insight study of more than 1,500 consumers discovered “that the vast majority of consumers value product transparency as well as consider a wide array of information about a particular product before making a purchase decision.”