Snackworthy, a budget-friendly line of high-quality and authentic better-for-you snacks for Millennials has launched a line extension consisting of coated corn puffs called Snackworthy Simply Puffs.
Doritos, one of the marquee brands from PepsiCo's Frito-Lay Division, is introducing a bold new offering for fans of Nacho Cheese, Cool Ranch…and peanuts: Doritos Crunch Nuts and Doritos Crunch Mix.
In 1986, a major branded cookie and cracker company attempted to capture the expertise of the master bakers who would soon be retiring. The hope was to capture and catalogue the vast baking knowledge they had accumulated over the years with some method of artificial intelligence.
PopCorners, a family of non-GMO corn popped snacks that prove health and taste can coexist, is introducing bold and colorful new packaging at the 2018 Winter Fancy Food Show.
With new Doritos Blaze, Doritos, one of the marquee brands from PepsiCo's Frito-Lay division, is firing up the flavor in the snack aisle to kick off the new year. Doritos Blaze features complex flavor and heat that builds as you crunch.