With daily schedules more hectic than ever and meals often becoming grab-and-go occasions, it can be challenging for people to get the vitamins and minerals they need.
Gluten-free is a hot product category. It seems everyone in the food industry wants to be involved in this trend, and the gluten-free label claim does attract a segment of the population that is highly sensitive to the ingestion of traces of gluten. Consumers with celiac disease must completely avoid gluten.
Prior to joining the Grain Foods Foundation (GFF), I knew a few basic things about grains: They provide fiber. They are an essential part of a healthy, balanced diet.
For weight maintenance, the common belief is that calories in should equal calories out. For weight loss, calories in should be less than calories out. Sounds simple, right?
Every year, as the holidays come to a close and resolutions kick in, many Americans vow to lose weight. Despite their best wishes, there’s no reset button on holiday excess, and therefore nearly half of Americans admit to committing to a diet but failing after just six months.
The numbers regarding heart disease are staggering. More than one in four Americans die as a result of the disease, and it is the leading cause of death for men and women. It impacts so many of us, either personally or through our connections to loved ones, friends and family.