The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is extending the compliance date for final calorie declaration requirements for certain food products sold from glass-front vending machines to July 26, 2018. FDA intends to formally announce the extension in the Federal Register in the near future.
Back in the day, when I was but a young college student gaining what is infamously known as the “The Freshman 15,” as in “15 additional lbs.,” I had a revelation about calories.
In an age when counting calories has become just as important as counting nickels and dimes, a new study how those calories are counted could give dieters the trick they’re looking for. Or so it seems.
I am 100% sure that you have received a load of “must-have” nutritional advice. The overload of life lessons like this can be quite overwhelming, not to mention scary. I used to go to bed at night questioning my nutrition skills, thinking about how in the world I missed the research proving all of those theories. Well, a quick search or even a phone call to mom (or grams), proved false.
The bases are loaded when it comes to sweet goods and snack cakes. Though sales are sluggish, consumers want sweet treats to be healthy but still like to indulge a bit.
June 1, 2011
Ahh, pastries, donuts, brownies, snack cakes, cupcakes, where do we stop? There’s nothing like having a sweet treat like these every so often. But consumers are cutting back, as sweet goods are losing market share, according to data from the Perishables GroupFreshFacts.