Whether it’s a picnic, a ballgame, a county fair or just lounging in the sun, the state of the snack industry proves that consumers are in for one wild, fun-filled, tasty ride.
It’s baseball season, says editor-in-chief Lauren R. Hartman. That means the June issue is revved up with our annual focus on the State of the Bakery Industry.
When it comes to launching new products, many of today’s bakers have a strategy in place, and are launching items that are primed and molded into becoming five-tool players on the field, says executive editor Marina Mayer.
Highland Baking Co., a 25-year-old bakery located in Northbrook, Ill., prides itself on creating custom, artisan quality breads and rolls in large volumes, but with the care and craftsmanship of the family that it is.
According to an Australian study, women who snack while watching TV tend to eat more at a later time, says executive editor Marina Mayer. In fact, “snacksperts” are calling it “mindless eating.”
A strong foundation, a rich family culture, an array of better-for-you products and a laundry list of achievements allow Shearer’s Foods to rise above the crowd and achieve ‘Shearer Perfection.’