The results are in. Retail buyers attending ECRM’s Everyday and Summer Seasonal Candy Planning event in Anaheim Aug. 26-30 have selected winners of the 2018 Buyers Choice Awards.
ECRM’s Candy Planning: Everyday & Summer Seasonal EPPS is just the place to find out what treats and trends will be hot over the next year, and Candy Industry can’t wait to see the products debuting at the show!
A good reminder of the experiences we create, sell and promote came in the form of the Kids Choice Awards, held this week during ECRM’s Candy Planning: Christmas & Halloween event at the Hilton Chicago.
While looking at the calendar this morning, I got quite the shock. How is it already Aug. 30? This summer flew by. It seems like May’s Sweets & Snacks Expo and June’s National Candy Month were only yesterday.
ECRM hosted its annual Candy Planning: Everyday & Summer Seasonal event Aug. 13-17 at the Rosen Centre Hotel in Orlando, Fla., where new and previously attending manufacturers showcased more than 100 new, innovative products.