This morning, Ferrero Group published its 2022 Sustainability Report, and the company is on track to meet its sustainability targets.

Ferrero’s progress documents its 14th Sustainability Report, which highlights four key pillars: 

  • Protecting the environment
  • Sustainable sourcing
  • Promoting responsible consumption
  • Empowering people

Some highlights from this year’s report include: 

  • 92% of the company’s global electricity now comes from renewables—up from 84% last year.
  • The completion of Ferrero’s four-year Cocoa and Forest Initiative (CFI) plan, with majority of targets either met or even surpassed, including more than 170,000 farmers now enlisted in the Ferrero Cocoa Program, of which 161,000 (95%) were polygon mapped in 2021/22, exceeding the initial target of 153,000.
  • The publishing of the company’s first Human Rights Report at the end of 2021. The report is framed around 10 of the most salient human rights issues across all value chains—regardless of product or geography—and shows how Ferrero is working to address these issues.

Click here to read the full report.

Ferrero Group is on the current Candy Industry “Global Top 100 Candy Companies” list. Click here to view the current “Global Top 100” rankings.