Even marzipan, a quintessentially European confection, has embraced savoriness. Nuttyness, a recently established Oakland-based confectioner, has created “marzipan with a twist: the perfect fusion of European tradition and irresistible California flavors.”
The company sells small, loaf-shaped, dark chocolate-covered marzipan treats that are infused with savory flavors like lemon ginger, orange cayenne and coffee vanilla, all of which contain less sugar than typical marzipan.
Kristian Salvesen, aka Chief Nuttyness Officer, came up with the concept when visiting his Norwegian family over Christmas in 2011. While enjoying a chocolate-covered bar of local marzipan, he wondered why such holiday treats weren’t available in California, particularly since the state is the world’s largest producer of almonds. The following year, Nuttyness was launched. The 2.5-oz. loaves retail for $5.99