Consumers are more aware than ever that maintaining a “healthy” diet is important, but they aren’t as clear on what that means, according to new research from Spoon Guru.
The company is focused on improving its environmental sustainability, strengthening local communities, providing children with the nutrition they need to learn and grow, responding to consumers’ desire for greater transparency and simple ingredients, and offering an engaging and flexible workplace for its employees.
Citing consumer demand for nutritional transparency and choice, the Hershey Co. has announced plans to update front-of-pack calorie labels and make more of its standard- and king-sized items with 200 calories or fewer.
Label Insight says 73 percent of 2,021 consumers surveyed would pay a premium for products that offer complete transparency in a variety of areas, including certifications, ingredients lists, nutritional breakdowns, allergens lists, and information on how products are sourced, produced and handled.
As transparency becomes an increasingly important staple of the food industry, companies like The Hershey Co. are turning to digital platforms to spread information. To that end, Hershey has been heavily involved in the development of the newly-launched SmartLabel platform.