During my visit to the Topeka facility, I had an opportunity to see the man’s calming demeanor in action; while touring the plant, the SNICKERS line encountered a glitch.
I just got back from a seven-day, whirlwind trip to the country that included three domestic flights and a different hotel every single night. The word amazing does not do it justice.
Although not quite as big as Valentine’s Day, Christmas, Easter and Halloween, I suspect many confectioners do see an uptick in sales as a result of Mother’s Day celebrations. In looking back at the various ways my family and I have celebrated Mother’s Day, I can attest that we’ve probably run the gauntlet with gifts and ways to celebrate.
Clifton believes it all rests with hiring the right managers. “Let’s get rid of the managers from hell, double the great managers and engaged employees, and have those mangers lead based on what actually matters.”
A new report from FONA International says kids across the country are having more and more say in what families purchase. What does that mean for candy companies?