Despite flat sales, bright spots of growth in frozen appetizers and snacks help point toward the next generation of products that will breathe new life into the category.
While changes related to flavor, format, ingredients and convenience step front-and-center in new product releases, much of the snack industry continues to thrive on tried-and-true classics.
Early Fourth of July celebrations were spirited events, drinking toasts to the colonies, parades, fireworks and feasting, always with two key components: the roasting of mass quantities of poultry and meat, and a grand collection of desserts.
Reformulation of foods containing partially hydrogenated oils (PHOs) will require a fresh look at how to best replace the flavor and functionality that trans fats have historically brought to foods.
FDA’s removal of GRAS status for artificial trans fats like partially hydrogenated oils (PHOs) will catalyze significant R&D efforts to replace the fats in snack products and baked goods.
How gluten-free baked goods are merchandised, whether ambient or in the freezer case, can impact sales and minimize feelings of alienation in customers.
While tradition remains strong in the mature desserts segment, portion control, gluten-free and clean label, along with new flavor-forward profiles, continue to make inroads.