Research uncovers underlying psychology of why Americans love to bake during the holidays
November 12, 2019
Nielsen-Massey Vanillas has unveiled a new survey, revealing that millennials, America’s largest generation of adults, are the most enthusiastic age group when it comes to holiday baking.
A new Euromonitor report looks at all the ways that Millennials are changing family life, and what that will mean for consumer packaged goods companies.
Snack and nutritional bars are not only growing in popularity, but they represent an innovative category that keeps up with trends and is rewarded for its creativity.
Consumers report "clean eating" as most popular new diet attempt in 2019
May 29, 2019
Topics like sustainability, plant-based diets and clean eating seem to permeate news about food, but it turns out they’re not just buzzwords or “flavors of the week.”
Millennials, over 80 million strong, are the largest generation of young people in history. Like every generation that came before, millennials come with their own set of characteristics that make them unique.
American Baker’s Association (ABA) has released the American Bakers Association 2019 Study: Attracting Gen Z and Millennial Customers which reveals the habits, perceptions, and relationship of Millennial and Gen Z consumers toward commercially baked goods.
The Hershey Company’s Foodservice team, one of the industry’s leading branded sweet ingredient, snack and refreshment suppliers, conducted custom research through The Center for Generational Kinetics.