The boxes, which can be ordered online and safely sent to loved ones during social distancing, feature candy from all the companies as well as non-candy items.
Since trick-or-treating is likely to look different this year, American Licorice Co. partnered with Jelly Belly Candy Co., Goetze’s Candy Co. and Spangler Candy Co. to present the Boo Box, a unique at-home experience.
At Candy Industry’s 73rd Kettle Awards, with nearly 250 guests in attendance, Mitchell Goetze, ceo of Goetze’s Candy Co., received the industry’s most prestigious award, the gleaming copper kettle.
Typically, Goetze Cow Tales run seven inches long and weigh one ounce. But as the Baltimore Sun reports, the famed creator of the cream-filled caramel “dessert jerky” stick looks to greet visitors to the Bulk Candy Store at Maryland State Fair’s exhibition hall with a whopping 10-ft. version. It will be the largest Cow Tale that the Baltimore-based candy manufacturer has ever produced.