Even though gum and mint sales have declined in recent months, creative pushes are coming from both market to keep customers cool, calm and collectively chewing.
Wrigley announced today that it would temporarily be pulling its Alert Energy Caffeine Gum off the shelves while the Food and Drug and Administration continues its review of foods containing added caffeine.
Mom's been especially amazing this past year, as I’ve endured some health issues over the last few months. Always willing to make the two-hour drive to see me on a moment’s notice, no questions asked. When she arrives, my mom even claims she actually enjoys doing my laundry, washing my dishes, and vacuuming.
Lee Linthicum of Euromonitor International sees Mexican confections firmly on road to recovery
March 1, 2013
Current Euromonitor International projects peg Mexico’s retail confectionery sales at $5.4 billion in 2017, more than a billion dollars gain since 2012. This represents the sixth best retail market for global confectionery sales. It also places Mexico second, exceeded only by Brazil, within Latin America.
Kraft Foods and the makers ofStride Gum are thrilled to welcome a new brand to their family —iD Gum - aimed at teens in celebration of their creativity and thirst for discovery and individuality.
As the founder of a website devoted to allergy-free and sugar-free snacks (aptly named AllergyFreeAndSugarFreeSnacks.com), Kathi Robinson — herself born with a hereditary medical condition that requires her to live on a very restrictive diet — knows sugar-free candy gets a bad rap sometimes.