Company: Wherefour, Inc.

Technology Snapshot: Wherefour traceability and process manufacturing ERP software now allows users of Microsoft Dynamics 365 modules to share data with Wherefour to save time and increase efficiency with back room operations. 

Wherefour allows information such as purchase orders, invoices and other vendor and customer records to sync, import or update with Microsoft Dynamics, said Matt Brown, founder and CEO. “This is an extension of our efforts to create functionality with a wide range of other platforms,” Brown said. “Doing that makes it easier for customers to integrate Wherefour traceability, process manufacturing and other ERP capabilities without having to change accounting or other software they are already using,” Brown said.

Another new feature allows cannabis, and other companies that must print numerous Certificates of Analysis, to bundle them into one PDF for printing rather than having to print them individually, which saves a significant amount of time, he said. 

More information about Wherefour is available at or by calling 415-930-4028.