Getting a crash course on caramel
PMCA tutorial illustrates science, technique behind popular ingredient.

Sebastian Clemens of Bühler Group pours caramel into tray while Zach Freed of AAK helps. Photo by Alyse Thompson.

Sarah Khan of Reach Organics, right, and Sara Samala of Gertrude Hawk Chocolates measure ingredients for their batches of caramel. Photo by Alyse Thompson.

Zach Freed of AAK waits for instructor Randy Hofberger of R&D Candy Consultants to measure out corn syrup. Photo by Alyse Thompson.

Sebastian Clemens of Bühler Group, left, and Zach Freed of AAK watch as Mark Heim of R. Heim Confectionery Consulting discusses the properties of the batch of caramel. Photo by Alyse Thompson.

Nineteen students participated in the Caramel, Fudge and Toffee course hosted by the Professional Manufacturing Confectioners Association at Savage Bros. in Elk Grove Village, Ill. Nov. 7-10. Photo from PMCA.