Chocolate bars feature work from local artists on interior packaging.
August 5, 2020
Moonstruck Chocolate Co. has added two varieties to its classic bar collection: the Dark Chocolate Blueberry Passion Fruit Bar and the Dark Chocolate Hazelnut Chai Bar.
“The edges of a Dandelion Chocolate chip taper to thin-as-we-could-make-’em without compromising structure,” said Remy Labesque, an industrial designer who's day job is at Tesla.
Overall, the chewing gum category continues to see declines in both dollar sales and unit sales, but these drops could be exacerbated by consumers staying home during lockdowns prompted by the coronavirus pandemic.
There’s no way to write about the State of the Confectionery industry without leading with COVID-19. The global pandemic hit the U.S. in early 2020, and it’s had a massive impact on the country and the global economy.