In this latest installment of industry trends, Snack Food & Wholesale Bakery connected with Heather Davis, senior manager of customer insights, Bimbo Bakehouse, to gain some insight into trends of note across U.S. foodservice today.
The grain-focused snack and bakery industry accounts for over $100 billion in annual retail sales. The core of those offerings originate from a select group of businesses, some who have served American consumers for many decades.
Perhaps as long as a decade from now, snack and bakery professionals will still be reckoning with the pandemic’s effects on consumer preferences and, subsequently, their own product development. And when they do, our current focus on wellness will continue to loom large.
The grain-based snack and bakery industry has a number of vital, perennially important food safety issues to consider as we move into a new year. Food safety has always been important in snack and bakery facilities, and it has ramped up this year due to COVID-19, as well.