Kate's Real Food Oatmeal Cranberry Almond Bar

Delta Airlines now serving Kate’s Real Food Bars

March 9, 2022

The best journey is the one that leaves you feeling better upon arrival than departure. Delta is supporting a healthier you with plant-based food options in airports and on board, unique loyalty partnerships that reward you at home, and in-flight entertainment to relax and unwind during your journey.

“We’ve taken a careful approach to ensuring each customer feels taken care of during their journey on Delta because connecting the world also means caring for those in it—and helping them feel their best no matter where they are,” said Dr. Henry Ting, chief health officer.

Delta now offers Kate’s Real Food bars in all cabins, the USDA Certified Organic and nutrient-packed snack that promotes health and wellness by focusing on real ingredients.

“At Kate’s, our goal is to fuel travelers’ adventures with quality, healthy ingredients—no gimmicks. And what better way to meet that goal than to partner with Delta Airlines, a company connecting people across the globe. We look forward to the opportunity to encourage health and wellness for all—even amid the busiest of lifestyles," said Kate Schade, founder, Kate's Real Food.